Explorative play blocks build Experiment Investigate discover

Tinker or build

2 yrs. and up

Give children toys that are powered by their imagination, not by batteries.

H. Jackson Brown

Whether outside or inside, ignite your child’s curiosity and investigation with explorative play. Like, little pioneers, they discover themselves and the world around them through exploration. Find out how you can support the benefits of exploratory play.

Define Exploratory

First, let’s define exploratory. It means to search, discover, and learn more about something. Exploratory activities are a way to immerse your child in a variety of experiences and adventures. As one of the earliest forms of play, it involves using your child’s senses, such as taste, touch, and smell. Consequently, they often include their entire bodies in the process.

Also, linked to your child’s development, it encourages them to ask questions. Furthermore, it gives them the chance to explore their surroundings and discover the how and why of their world.

Play is FUN, spontaneous, and imaginative. It is where children are free to make their own choices and decisions. As a result, this free play is crucial to inviting your child to take risks and building their confidence.

We want to be clear that open-ended and unstructured play is still a critical part of block play. Kids need free time to build and develop their imagination and creativity. So, be flexible. Start with a plan, but let your children take the lead. Keep it fun, and let them be imaginative!

Increasing Creativity

As a society, we need to model and encourage creativity in our children. By doing so, we can cultivate a generation of innovative and gifted thinkers. As your child’s role model, they learn more from what they see you do than what they hear you say. Consequently, exhibiting the importance of creativity can spark your child’s creativity.

  To bring out the best in your child, you must be intentional and consistent with rewarding desired behaviours, setting clear expectations, and providing consistent discipline where necessary.  Building mutual respect and trust is key in any relationship and is especially important in helping bring out the best in your child.

 Bring out the Best in your Child

Raising children is no easy task. There will inevitably be times when you feel like you are at your wits' end, but even in those moments, your goal should always be to help bring out the best in your child. This isn’t just about providing them with a good education and instilling moral values. It's about helping them become the best versions of themselves—and sometimes that means having difficult conversations.

But how do you start having these conversations? Where do you even begin? Fortunately, we’ve compiled a step-by-step guide for helping bring out the best in your child. We'll provide honest advice on communicating with your kids, practical tips on recognising their potential, and effective strategies for guiding them towards success. In short, this article will serve as your roadmap to unlocking their full potential.

Also Read | Combining In-person and Online Learning: Advantages of Blended Learning 


Parent and child talking

One of the most important steps to bringing out the best in your child is to understand their needs and goals. It’s difficult to help a child if you don’t know what they want and need, or what their personal goals are for the future.

When it comes to understanding your child’s needs, start by asking them thoughtful questions about their interests, dreams, and ambitions. Listen actively to their answers and plan activities that tap into those interests. For example, if your child enjoys drawing and painting, find activities related to art that will help them develop this skill. Showing an interest in their passions can also help foster an atmosphere of trust and understanding between you and your child.

Next, create a plan and set clear expectations for tasks they need to complete at home or in school—and then set up a timeline for progress checkpoints that both of you can agree on. Doing this will show your child that you are committed to helping them work towards achieving success.



Father and son talking

You know that old saying: "Communication is key"? Well, it's true—it really is one of the most important aspects of parenting. It's essential that you talk to your child—but it's just as important to listen to them, too. Listen without judgment, and show your child that their opinions matter.

You can also get creative with the way you communicate with your child. A lot can be said without speaking—try using body language or facial expressions to show them how you feel about what they're saying. And don't forget about those little things, whether it's taking the time to make eye contact when you're talking or asking your child about their day before they've had a chance to tell you all about it.

Remember, your goal is not just to make sure that you are heard—it's also to ensure that your child feels heard as well. Open up the dialogue and take the extra step of listening actively and attentively so that each of you can learn from the other and come away feeling closer than ever. 


parents encouraging children to imbibe positive behaviour

Enforcing boundaries without criticism is vital to bringing out the best in your child. To do this, it's important to catch them when they're doing something you appreciate and provide positive reinforcement versus something you don't.

Here are some practical tips to help encourage positive behaviour:

  • Praise them for trying something new, even if they don’t get it right away.

  • Remind them of all the great things you see in them.

  • Offer praise for specific behaviours that align with your values and expectations.

  • Acknowledge small successes and encourage bigger goals.

  • Make sure to also express love and appreciation for who they are as a person—not just for what they do or accomplish.

  • Show genuine interest in everything that interests them—from sports to art or music.

  • Be a good role model for yourself by practising self-discipline and sticking to your promises and commitments.

These simple steps will go a long way towards teaching your child how to be kind, compassionate, and responsible while growing into their potential as an individual.



Children setting boundaries

Another important step in helping bring out the best in your child is to set boundaries and expectations. This includes both verbal and non-verbal cues, as well as a specific set of rules that they must follow. It is essential that these be firmly enforced, but at the same time, you must also be understanding of their needs and feelings.

It's important to think about what boundaries and expectations you need to set for your child—this could include things like setting a bedtime, having curfews, or requiring that chores be done by a certain time. Consider also setting guidelines around behaviours like speaking politely or being respectful of others.

You should also discuss the consequences of not hitting these marks with your child. Make sure that whatever punishments or rewards you offer are reasonable and fair. This can help motivate them to stay focused on achieving their goals and following expectations throughout their lives.

When you explain expectations to your child, make sure that the explanation is clear and concise so they understand exactly what is expected of them. Talk through examples of both positive and negative behaviours with them so there’s no misunderstanding or confusion on either side. Additionally, provide regular feedback about how well they are doing in meeting those expectations so that they’re encouraged to keep up the good work!



Two girls showing acceptance

Raising a child can be difficult and frustrating at times, but it's important to respond with patience, acceptance, and gratitude.

These tools of positive parenting will support the development of your child’s self-confidence. Showing patience means accepting that mistakes are just part of life and learning—after all, no one is perfect! Acceptance implies recognition of where your child is at in their growth and development without forcing them to be someone they're not. Gratitude encourages optimism as you recognise the small successes along the way.

When you pause to recognise the successes, big or small, your child begins to see how much they have accomplished and how capable they really are. It is in these moments, when they feel confident in their abilities, that you get to see their best selves come out. Here are several ways that you can nurture these feelings in your child:

  • Verbal Praise: Catch your kiddo doing something good and give them meaningful encouragement. Make sure it’s specific so it resonates—telling them that they "did great" is fine, but saying something like "you did such a good job putting on your shirt all by yourself!" helps make a more concrete connection in their mind between success and effort.

  • Nonverbal Expressions: A sincere smile or hug lets children know that their efforts have been noticed and appreciated!

  • Celebrations: Highlighting successes with a special treat or family activity makes accomplishments fun for everyone involved! 


Parents and children celebrating

When it comes to bringing out the best in your child, celebrating successes—big and small—is a great way to go. It’s so important to recognise their accomplishments and make them feel special!

Just as adults need positive reinforcement, children do too. For younger kids, give them lots of praise for completing tasks like getting dressed or brushing their teeth. For older children, you may want to up your game a bit by rewarding them for getting good grades or taking on responsibility.

So what does a successful celebration look like? Here are a few ideas:

  • Buy your child a small surprise for doing something well, like finishing a project or accomplishing something difficult.

  • Take them out for ice cream or a special day trip as part of the celebration.

  • Write an encouraging note and tuck it in their lunchbox or leave it on their bedroom door so they can find it when they wake up in the morning.

  • Give your child verbal praise in front of family and friends—nothing boosts confidence more than public praise!

  • Have a family game night—this is always fun and helps build family bonds!

  • Let your children pick out activities when you’re going out together—this will make them feel included and valued while they learn more about themselves and discover new interests!

When praising successes—no matter how big or small—try to be specific about what you’re praising so that your child understands exactly why you’re giving the reward or compliment in the first place. This goes much further than just giving empty words!

Neurodiversity, Play, and the So-Called ADHD Child

This blog post of mine originally appeared in Gail and Paul Dennison’s new website Hearts at Play, on Thursday, August 29, 2013.   The Dennison’s are the co-founders of Brain Gym® which has helped so many kids with learning difficulties achieve success in school, home, and life.  I am happy to connect with them on this...


Book Review: The Power of Play

 A recent book by developmental psychologist David Elkind is entitled The Power of Play, and I would recommend it to parents, educators, psychotherapists, and anyone else who has an interest in play and children.  David Elkind was a disciple of Jean Piaget, the great French structuralist thinker who changed people’s conceptions of how children think.  In this...


Some Thoughts About Play Around the World

I have noticed that kids in Scandinavia are allowed to play in freer ways than in the United States.  For example, in one elementary school that I visited in Norway, kids were climbing trees, and they were really high up – I was very concerned for their safety.  And yet the teachers seemed perfectly at...



Block Play

Enrich your child's curiosity with different selections of books for kindergarten, preschool and big kids. Let them imagine and learn with your support.

Benefits of Block Play

Block Play ToysThe Best Kid’s Toy Storage SolutionsShaving Cream and LEGOS Messy PlaySimple Inquiry Based Learning at Home

All Block Play

100th day of school

What can you make with 100 Legos?

Preschoolers working together to build a wooden train track.

Christmas Invitation to Play at the Tree Farm

Block toys for kids featuring wooden blocks, plastic blocks, and Legos

Block Play Toys

hands-on shape activity

Shape Dig: a Hands-On Shape Activity

Three and dour-year-old playing in a sensory bin filled with shaving cream, Legos, and Duplos. Both children look happy and are getting messy covered in shaving cream.

Shaving Cream and LEGOS Messy Play

kids playing building blocks

Simple Inquiry Based Learning at Home

preschool block play

Block Play Invitation

shaving cream messy sensory bin

Shapes and Shaving Cream

Hands-on preschool math activity

Mega Bloks Tetris

Preschooler sorting yellow Duplos in a toy truck to a yellow square. He is following a road made from painter's tape.

Preschool Color Sorting with Movement

Melissa and Doug The Power of Play

kid stacking colored blocks

Boost Thinking with Block Play

Do you remember those great wooden toys that used to be all the rage back in the day? I love those things and I love that you can actually make many of them yourself.

Whether you want something extra special for the holidays or your child’s birthday, or just any occasion, you are going to love the 30 DIY rustic wooden toys that I have found that you can make yourself.

Not only are some of these very reminiscent of days gone by, they are all really easy to make and your kids are going to love them.

rustic wood toys diy

1. DIY Wood Block Stacker

DIY Wood Block Stacker

You remember those old plastic stacking toys that you played with as a kid – or that your kids played with? Well, this is a wooden version and it is spectacular. The colors alone are great to keep kids entertained and you make the blocks in different sizes to teach them stacking skills. This one is really easy and would make a wonderful DIY gift for any toddler.

Tutorial: weefolkart

2. DIY Wooden Toy Camera

DIY Wooden Toy Camera

This little toy camera is adorable and it looks so much like the real thing! While your little one won’t be able to actually take pictures with this one, or look through it for images that are preset into it, it’s the perfect toy for toddlers who want to act like their parents and snap photos wherever they go. Plus, it’s a pretty easy plan to follow to make it.

Tutorial: lilblueboo

3. Easy Wooden Chalkboard City Blocks

Easy Wooden Chalkboard City Blocks

Kids are going to love building their own cities with these chalkboard wooden blocks. You just have to cut the blocks out and then add the chalkboard paint. The fun thing about these blocks is that they can change them up as often as they want. Let them decorate their own little cities with white and colored chalk and then use those blocks for creative play. You have to love a good chalkboard paint project!

Tutorial: hellobee

4. Castle Blocks

Create your own castle building blocks set! This is such a fun and open-ended homemade toy that kids will spend hours with. It’s also extremely easy (even if you are not crafty!) and cheap to make. It would be fun to build a set of blocks with your kids’ help, or you can assemble it as a gift.

5. Dollhouse In A Box

Dollhouse In A Box

This wooden dollhouse in a box is not only adorable, it is super easy to make. You just need a few standard power tools and you can build your little girl the cutest doll house. Or, you could easily convert this to a garage for little boys…it’s all in how you decorate it. The best part? This one folds up so that all of their toys stay perfectly in place when they are not playing with them.

Similar Project:  DIY Upcycled Tin Can Windchime (Easy and Frugal)

Tutorial: adventure-in-a-box

6. DIY Mini Wooden Magnetic Blocks

DIY Mini Wooden Magnetic Blocks

These little blocks are perfect for toddlers who are learning their colors. You could also make them a bit larger and put numbers and letters on them if you wanted. You can find wooden blocks to use or make your own and paint them in numerous bright colors so that little ones will find them fascinating and want to play.

Tutorial: youclevermonkey

7. Wooden Mirror Blocks

Wooden Mirror Blocks

Here’s a great idea for some mirrored blocks for babies. These would make the most wonderful baby shower gifts and they are really easy to make. Little ones love looking into mirrors and these little blocks are the perfect size for them to hold themselves. You make these from a Jenga game – buy the cheap one at the Dollar Store for less than $5 – and the mirrors come from mirrored sheets. These are great DIY sensory toys to help children to learn as they grow.

Tutorial: adventure-in-a-box

8. Educational Wooden Nesting Dolls

Educational Wooden Nesting Dolls

I love nesting dolls and these DIY wooden ones are fabulous. These are great for little ones because they are so easy to hold. You make the wooden dolls and then paint them however you want them. You could give them that great old world look or turn them into themed character dolls – choose a Disney theme or something else that your little one loves.

Tutorial: adventure-in-a-box

9. Simple Open Design Wooden Dollhouse

Simple Open Design Wooden Dollhouse

When my girls were young all they ever asked for was a dollhouse. You make this with plywood and a couple of 2X2 boards. It’s an all open design so it’s perfect if you have more than one little girl that will want to play with it at the same time. This would make such a wonderful Christmas or birthday gift and it’s much cheaper to make than it would be to buy.

Tutorial: ana-white

10. DIY Oversized Tic-Tac-Toe

DIY Oversized Tic-Tac-Toe

I loved tic-tac-toe as a child. We even had one of those great Toss Across games where you toss bean bags at the game to make your moves – remember those? This oversized tic-tac-toe games looks to be just as fun and you can make it yourself. This is a great toy for kids of all ages and you can totally customize the images to make them even more exciting than just X’s and O’s.

Tutorial: hertoolbelt

11. Handmade Wooden Pizza Puzzle

Handmade Wooden Pizza Puzzle

This pizza puzzle is great for little ones who are learning shapes and it helps to promote hand eye coordination. You make this from plywood and it’s a pretty easy DIY project. Kids will love playing with it for creative play and it’s a great tool for helping to teach them shapes, numbers and puzzle working in general.

Tutorial: abeautifulmess

12. Wooden Puppet Theater

Wooden Puppet Theater

What better way to entertain your children than with their own puppet theater? This one is super easy to build and will give your little ones hours upon hours of play time. You could also make them their own DIY puppets to go with it or if they already have puppets, then you’re halfway there. Puppet theaters are great for encouraging creative play and this one is totally customizable because you make it yourself.

Similar Project:  40 Genius Space-Savvy Small Garden Ideas and Solutions

Tutorial: adventure-in-a-box

13. Wooden Rainbow Building Blocks

Wooden Rainbow Building Blocks

Building blocks have been popular with kids for decades and you can make your own with this easy to follow plan. These are done in different sizes for creative play and you paint them any number of colors and you could even make them in different shapes. A similar set will run you about $60 or more at most toy or department stores but you can make this set for the price of a 2X4 or two.

Tutorial: funathomewithkids

14. Rainbow City Blocks

Rainbow City Blocks

Turn that old board into these adorable city house building blocks. These are really cute and boys and girls alike are going to love playing with them. Once you have the houses and buildings cut out, you just paint them to resemble your favorite city block. You could even do these to match the houses in your neighborhood. They promote creative play and are perfect for little ones who are working on their hand eye coordination.

Tutorial: adventure-in-a-box

15. DIY Wooden Baby Rocking Toy

DIY Wooden Baby Rocking Toy

Skip paying a hundred dollars or more for a rocking horse at your favorite toy store. You can build your little one his or her own rocking toy from a few boards that you have left over from other projects – and you can customize this one however you want. It’s a pretty easy plan to follow and makes the most adorable wooden rocker. This would be a wonderful first Christmas or baby shower gift.

Tutorial: killerbdesigns

16. DIY Wooden Sit And Scoot

DIY Wooden Sit And Scoot

Turn an old board and a few wheels into the most amazing scooter for your older children. These are perfect for kids in school and they are so much fun. You add handles to the sides so that your little ones are safe when they are scooting and this is a lot safer than a stand up scooter. Plus, this one is really fun to make and your kids are going to love it.

Tutorial: prettyhandygirl

17. DIY Wooden Based Play Tent

DIY Wooden Based Play Tent

Play tents are great but they can be a bit expensive, especially the sturdier ones that will last for several years. You can build this one yourself from pine boards and canvas and it’s practically guaranteed to last as long as your children are young. The plans for building are super easy to follow and you could even adjust the sizing if you need to make it larger or smaller. And when they grow out of it, this is the perfect opportunity to repurpose those kids toys.

Tutorial: adventure-in-a-box

18. Handmade Wooden Sensory Board

Handmade Wooden Sensory Board

You can turn an old piece of plywood into a great sensory board for your little one. Sensory boards are great for teaching babies and toddlers about shapes, colors, textures and so many other things. These baby activity boards run close to $100 at most toy stores but you can seriously make this one for only a fraction of that – and kids are going to love it for years.

Tutorial: funathomewithkids

19. DIY Wooden Story Cubes

DIY Wooden Story Cubes

Wooden blocks are so popular with little ones. Remember those little ABC blocks? Well, you can give your little one the same playing fun but with story blocks. Story blocks allow your little ones to tell stories as they play, which really helps to develop their creativity. Plus, these little wooden blocks are great for hand eye coordination and sensory play, as well.

Similar Project:  39 Exciting Things To Do With Orange Peels

Tutorial: redtedart

20. Handmade Wooden Texture Blocks

Handmade Wooden Texture Blocks

Texture blocks work like sensory boards to help little ones to learn shapes and textures. These handmade texture blocks are super easy to DIY and you can add any shapes or textures that you want to customize them. Textured scrapbook paper, wool felt and wooden shapes give you the textures that you add to your DIY wooden blocks for hours of fun play for your little ones.

Tutorial: firefliesandmudpies

21. Fun DIY Wooden Balance Board

Fun DIY Wooden Balance Board

Balance boards are so much fun for older children and teenagers. These DIY balance boards are made with plywood, 2X4s and 2X3s and the plan is really easy to follow. You can paint these however you want, customizing them for your child and they are so much fun to play with. They also help to teach balance so they really come in handy if you have a child into sports or gymnastics.

Tutorial: thatsmyletter

22. DIY Wooden Toy Boat

DIY Wooden Toy Boat

Every little boy…and some little girls…wants a toy boat and this wooden one is the perfect DIY gift. These are pretty easy to make and you can add wooden people to make play time even more fun. You just need a wooden board and a few other woodworking supplies to make this one and it won’t take you long at all to have it finished. And there are some amazing DIY organization projects to help you keep those toys all put away when they’re done.

Tutorial: adventure-in-a-box

23. DIY Wooden Play Kitchen

DIY Wooden Play Kitchen

You can make this play kitchen out of wood that you have left over from other projects or you could even do it from an old cabinet, which takes away a lot of the work. If you have a little girl, she’s going to love this play kitchen. It’s so roomy so there is space for all of her play foods and dishes and imagine how much fun she will have cooking up a storm with this. Alternatively, you could fashion it a bit differently and turn it into a workshop for little boys.

Tutorial: younghouselove

24. Cheap And Easy DIY Nature Blocks

Cheap And Easy DIY Nature Blocks

These nature blocks are really fun for kids. They can make so many wonderful nature scenes with these and other toys and these are probably the cheapest DIY wooden toys that you could make. You don’t need to buy any wood for these. You make them from sticks and twigs that you have outside, so they’re free to make. And, you can pair them up with cheap woodland creature sets from the Dollar Store for hours of fun playtime.

Tutorial: adventure-in-a-box

25. Handmade Wooden Vehicles

Handmade Wooden Vehicles

Kids are really going to love these little wooden vehicles that you can make in no time at all. These are super easy and they’re perfect for toddlers and babies because they are so lightweight and the hollowed out centers make them perfect for helping little ones to learn to grasp. These offer hours of fun creative play and are great for helping your little ones to develop hand eye coordination.

Tutorial: ana-white

26. DIY Wood Burned Blocks

DIY Wood Burned Blocks

These house blocks are gorgeous thanks to the wood burning that you do. These are really easy to make, despite their intricate details. They are perfect for toddlers to pre-teen and you can make them in any number of shapes and sizes to promote hours of creative play. Plus, wood burning is so much fun so you’ll have as much fun making these as your kids do playing with them.

Similar Project:  Huge Money Saver - Make Your Own Environmentally Safe Cat Litter

Tutorial: alisaburke

27. Easy DIY Wooden Racetrack

Easy DIY Wooden Racetrack

These wooden racetrack or car ramps are super easy to make and they are perfect for little boys who love racing or jumping cars. You could even make some homemade cars and trucks out of wood to go along with these. And, you can do them in different shapes. Straight is great for ramps but you could also make a few curves to give them an even more exciting playtime.

Tutorial: buggyandbuddy

28. DIY Personalized Wooden Name Puzzle

DIY Personalized Wooden Name Puzzle

Not only does this personalized DIY wooden name puzzle help your little ones to learn how to spell their names, it doubles as bedroom décor when they get too old to play with it. This one is pretty easy, although you will need to know how to use quite a few different woodworking tools. They’ll have hours of fun learning to put their names together and then they can hang this in a great shadowbox frame when they get older.

Tutorial: adventure-in-a-box

29. DIY Wooden Teethers And Rattles

DIY Wooden Teethers And Rattles

If you know someone who is expecting soon, these DIY wooden teethers and rattles are the perfect baby shower gift. You can make several of these from one wooden board and they really are not that complicated to DIY. Plus, since you’re making these from wood, you won’t have to worry about what chemicals may be included in their teether – plastic teethers can contain so many harmful chemicals.

Tutorial: adventure-in-a-box

30. DIY Wooden Train Tracks

DIY Wooden Train Tracks

Give your little boys the most wonderful gift with this DIY wooden train track. This is such a wonderful gift idea for the holidays or any occasion. The train tracks are pretty easy to build and you can add a DIY wooden train, too or use this with just about any train set that you may already have. This would be so gorgeous around a Christmas tree to create a rustic farmhouse Christmas, as well.

Tutorial: freedblog


Don’t just stop with your little ones – make these for every child you know. There are toys in here for toddlers to teens and even a few babies.

If you have an upcoming baby shower that you are planning to attend, why not make something really special like a homemade wooden rattle?

All of these toys are fabulous and they really do take you back in time.

Plus, you can make many of these with wood pieces that you have left over from other projects. Use the pieces that you have left over after you’ve made one of these 50 DIY wooden signs.

From stackers to toy cars, airplanes and even a great DIY play kitchen – these wooden toys are going to be cherished by your little ones for years. What a wonderful way to give your child something that they could eventually pass down to their own children!

I love heirlooms and these DIY wooden toys prove to be some of the best heirlooms you could ever make. And, if you really love working with wood, be sure to take a look at these 40 eco friendly reclaimed wood projects. You can find something for every room in here.


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The best toys for kids

This toy list has several categories for every age, stage, and desire to play.


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experience gift guide

Inspiring Experience Gifts for Kids

Looking for an experience gift for kids? I love a good open-ended toy as much as the rest of us, and I also crave more family time. I seek experience gifts for kids I can hold onto as the years go by. Here are 19 inspiring experience gifts for kids.

Experience gifts for families and kids.

Table of Contents:

  1. The Best Toys for Kids

  2. What are good experience gifts for families?

  3. What makes a good experience gift? 

  4. Experience Gifts for Kids

  5. Experience Gifts for Kids at Home

  6. Experiences to Enjoy Away from the Home

  7. More Toy Lists for Kids

  8. Frequently Asked Questions

Sometimes the best intentions of being all together can quickly get washed away by a conference call, due dates, or even worse – laundry. I know you get it. I have a pile a mile high on my bed right now.

Wouldn’t it be easier to find a list with all the unforgettable experience gifts in ONE PLACE?

Guess what? You’ve found the right corner of the web. Here, I have experience gift ideas for your family to put aside the laundry and designate a time to all be together enjoying life. 

The Best Toys for Kids

Choosing the best toy for kids can be a daunting task.

Here are the BEST toys for kids of every age and stage.


What are good experience gifts for families?

Think back to your childhood, and you’ll probably remember an event.

The Cabbage Patch Dolls will always have a place in my heart.

But the Summer Camp I was gifted by my great-grandmother? That gift changed my path and allowed me to test my independence. Thanks to her thoughtfulness, my great-grandmother and I bonded over my love for making new friends and the fun I had at camp. I am sure that experience helped me stand a little taller as I walked into the fourth grade.

Or perhaps it was that swim team I belonged to and the excitement I felt when my family was cheering me on from the sidelines. Or family movie nights before we knew that an entire stick of butter might not be the best popcorn topping.

Each year, I craved this type of experience to feel complete-to build that “family island,” as the movie Inside Out refers to it.

So this year, we will carry on the tradition of family experiences and put some new activities on the calendar.

Two boys riding bikes in the woods.

What makes a good experience gift? 

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Experience gifts:

  • Create a memory.

  • Encourage creativity.

  • Fulfill a wish.

  • Give a sense of exploration.

  • Invite a family to discoveries.

  • Pursue a passion.

  • Share the gift-giver’s skills with the recipient.

Experience gifts do not have to be lavish! They simply have to create a new memory for the kids and family to enjoy together.

Experience Gifts for Kids

I created two simple categories to make gift-giving a little easier for you to find what you are looking for.

  1. Experience gifts to enjoy at home

  2. Events and experiences to enjoy outside of the home

Experience Gifts for Kids at Home

Start a Family Tradition

Is there a family ritual you want to start before dinnertime?

Spend some time thinking about a family tradition you would like to create for the new year. Write it down, so it becomes a habit. Anything goes! Super simple ideas work best.

Some ideas for family traditions are:

Remember to write it down and say it aloud. Put ownership and accountability in the new family tradition. 

Game of charades for kids.

Charades for Kids

Charades is a classic game that always seems to get everyone laughing. We had a blast playing this game for my son’s sixth birthday. Such an entertaining way to create a family game night ritual and improve social and vocabulary skills.

Buy on Amazon

stuffed elephant

Sponsor an Animal

My middle child refers to himself as Nature Man, so we gave him several adoptions. He pretty much sleeps with an animal from each habitat.

Choose from a large collection of animals and adoption options. Most come with a certificate and plush animal. This is such a sweet gift for your animal lover. 

Time Capsule for experience gift with kids.

Build a Time Capsule

Not sure how to start? This time capsule will begin to document those memories that have already been created but not yet written down. This gift set allows you to interview family and friends and imagine the future. This time capsule gift set is something our family will be using this holiday season!

Buy on Amazon

tent in the backyard

Set up a Tent in your Backyard

Bring on the marshmallows and flashlights – walkie-talkies are optional to upgrade the experience. Include favorite blankets and new books to read before bedtime after watching the stars. An enjoyable way to get ready for camping away from home in the future. My boys have a blast camping in the backyard.

Walkie Talkie for kids.

Walkie Talkies

My boys play some epic spy games with these walkie-talkies. When in hand, they are in full-on imaginary play mode. This set comes with three walkie-talkies in the colors shown above. 

Buy on Amazon

Family experience set for kids.

A Special Day in a Box

My friend Jen at Mama Papa Bubba makes these boxes for her children to celebrate special days. Each card has a simple description of where they are going or what they will do together at home. This is a thoughtful gift that can be done for just about anyone in your family!

Visit Mama Papa Bubba’s Site

Kids camera

Kid’s Camera

Grab your camera and walk right out the door. The camera is durable for drops, and images can be uploaded onto the computer. *Note: This camera does come with games that can be turned off in the parent’s settings.

Buy on Amazon

Mom and child playing Trouble

Family Game Night

Our six-year-old toy list has some excellent games that make a thrilling family game night. Order the pizza, and cozy up on the couch for a night of bonding and fun!

Highlights magazine for kids.

Highlights Puzzle Club

This experience gift is delivered once per month and a fun way for kids ages 4-7 to find hidden pictures. Highlights offer fun with a purpose!

Order on Amazon

Q and A book for kids to record memories

Ask a Question a Day

One question a day for three years? Now that sounds like a keepsake! 

This book is for parents and children who want to share the evolution of ideas and feelings over the years. It can also be used as a journal for kids who want to keep a time capsule of their ideas.

Buy on Amazon

Kid Art Lit

Kid Art Lit

Each KidArtLit box includes a new hardback picture book and a process-based art project with supplies. Each box has enough supplies for two children. 

You can pick between two delivery sizes to fit your family’s needs. Choose from the Spark box, Deluxe box, or the Art Spark Kit. Inside each box, you will also find illustrated guides to help you through each project.

Find and seek game for families.

Scavenger Hunt

Find and Seek Scavenger Hunt has a collection of colorful cards to take outside and discover nature. This is also a great travel game with 35 Find and Seek cards, 2 instruction cards, and 1 drawstring bag. Nonreaders can play with picture recognition.

Buy on Amazon

Family photo album

Make a Family Album

Have more photos on your computer than you do in your home? I do and need to make time to create a family album.

Gift a family album to grandparents, or if you like this idea for yourself, spend one-on-one time with each child picking their favorite ten photos from the year past. Family albums are a great way to generate conversation about what memories resonated.

Nothing beats someone taking the time to upload them all into a printed book for your family to smile over as they take a trip down memory lane.

Butterfly garden kit for kids.

Butterfly Garden

Watch the transformation from caterpillars to butterflies in your own home! This butterfly kit includes five baby caterpillars, a pop-up, reusable mesh habitat, a chrysalis station log, and a flower-shaped butterfly feeder. We have done this with our family, which is a huge hit.

Buy on Amazon

Image of ice cream.

Have Ice Cream Delivered

We are a nut-free family that loves to be gifted ice cream from A-La-Mode. The ice cream is delicious and so exciting to find on our doorstep! It is one of the few brands made in a nut-free factory.

Experiences to Enjoy Away from the Home

This year, experiences outside of the home have been pretty limiting. The following locations are suggestions. Please look into the specific guidelines each destination has put in place. 

1. Find a Pump Track

We like to find local pump tracks to elevate bike rides! This is an area with small hills to ride around a circle. Do a quick search for a pump track near me and see if you have one nearby. 

2. Lend a Hand

Is there someone that can use a little extra help? Maybe you are great at washing cars, can zip through the grocery store, or can get a crying baby to sleep.

Think about how you can share your talents and lend a hand to someone who can use your help.

3. Teach a Skill

Like lending a hand, maybe there is someone who is looking to build a website or hem a pair of pants. Can you help? Make a coupon for your services on the back of a notecard and gift it to someone that wants to learn more!

4. Plan a Trip

I know that this year, trips have been few and far between. But maybe, just maybe, we can think about places to go or people to see very soon.

Gifting a weekend away to a family can allow them to focus on being there rather than getting there. This Road Trip with Kids post will help get your ideas flowing!

Include a travel guide for:

  • Children’s museums

  • Coffee shops

  • Dog parks

  • Hiking trails

  • Nurseries

  • Parks

  • Petting zoo

  • Pizza restaurants

  • Splash pads

5. Hiking Pass

Head to the National Park Service website and find a trail for the family to explore. You can gift this with a new pair of hiking boots or binoculars.

6. Hike It Baby

Hike it Baby will develop hiking experiences for families to inspire outdoor adventure.

7. Swim Lessons

Another great idea that may have some special requirements this year.

When swim lessons are available again, they make a fantastic gift for all ages. It improves water safety, along with helping strengthen large muscles in the body.

Best Toys by Age

  1. 30 Toys for One-Year-Olds – What do you get a baby for their first birthday or holiday? I am looking for something that a baby can grasp with their hands and experiment with their thoughts. Here are my favorite gifts for one-year-olds.

  2. Toys for Two-Year-Old Toddlers – Why are toddlers the most difficult to shop for? Is it because they are slowly gaining independence with their play yet have a short attention span? Perhaps. Allow me to take the stress off of finding the perfect gift. After raising three toddlers, I can tell you which toddler toys are top-notch for inspiring play.

  3. Toys for Older Kids – Older kids love toys that capture their imagination and interests. Our list includes indoor and outdoor games, toys, and even craft supplies that will pique the curiosity of your favorite early elementary kiddo! 

Favorite Toys that are Timeless and Intentional 

  1. Top Open-Ended Forever Toys – This gift list contains the handpicked, open-ended, hands-on toys that inspire play. These are toys we have in our home and have used for years.

  2. Block Play – Remember building towers in school or at your neighbor’s house? Good news! Blocks are still a foundational and creative way to play. We had listed some of the original sets that will take you back in time and some you only dreamed of having when you were younger. 

Stocking Stuffers

  1. Toys under $25 – Who needs stocking stuffers that aren’t candy or another pair of gloves? After 13 years of teaching and five years of parenting three boys, I have found great resources for your preschoolers to use every day. This gift list is all under $25 and will not disappoint.

  2. Outdoor Toys for Kids – Want to know my secret to getting kids over the late afternoon hump? It is going directly outside between nap/quiet time and bedtime. Rain or shine, here are our favorite ways to play in the backyard or on the go.

Educational Toys

  1. Art and Craft Supplies for Kids – What are basic art supplies? What should be in a preschool art center? Find it all here. This gift guide includes our favorite Ikea Art Cart, along with what we put inside to get started.

  2. STEM and Math Toys – Encouraging your child’s love for STEM learning is a smart move. Especially since understanding math, science, technology, and engineering are almost all hands-on. Allow your mathematician to soar with these STEM toys.

  3. Alphabet Toys – I want my preschoolers to become familiar with the lines and curves that form a letter, along with being able to toss the letters into a sensory bin for hands-on learning. From setting up your Breakfast Invitations to Sensory play, this letter supply list is pretty versatile! Here, you will find a detailed list of letter activities from Amazon we own, trust, and love. You don’t need to own a ton. Just a few that you can use in a couple of different ways!

Other Toy Lists We Love

  1. Melissa and Doug Favorite Toy List – We want our children to spend less time on tablets and more time playing. But some struggles come along for the ride. 

  2. Essential Breakfast Invitation Must-Haves – Okay, if I were stranded on an island with only 10 Breakfast Invitation supplies, which ones would I bring? You don’t want to miss this!

  3. Experience Gifts for Kids – Looking to spend more time together? We are too! I searched for nine inspiring ways to come together as a family and enjoy new experiences together. Get one of these events on your calendar today! (Post LIVE on November 13th)

  4. Small Business Gift Guide -Looking to support a small shop (or few) this holiday season? I am! This small business gift guide is here to help. No affiliate links. Just small shops that work hard to deliver excellent products. 

  5. 2020 Toy List – Here is a collection of toys we tried in 2020.

Open-ended toys unlock thoughts, ideas, and creative thinking.

This holiday season, inspire your young learners with intentional toys.

toy gift guide for kids

Cartoon drawing of a tired parent looking for a break and kids jumping on the couch.


three kids playing in a basin of water

Looking for fun activities for kids at home with your toddler and preschooler? I’ve been there. I, too, use a quick list of kids’ creative activities at home to keep in my back pocket. Years ago, I felt the need to get my children playing more and wasn’t exactly sure how to get there. 

I felt overwhelmed by the task of minimizing stimulation and encouraging my kids to be more creative at home. I needed to find solutions. And I did. These 50+ kid activities at home are just a sampling of all the ways we invite play into our every day, and it has been life-changing.

RELATED: These activity cards help make finding ideas so simple! Learn more here with our Startup Guide.

50+ activities texts

What Kid Activities Do Children Enjoy?

Kids enjoy activities that encourage open-ended play when the object doesn’t have one specific purpose. For example, a puzzle has an end goal. The child starts it knowing how it is supposed to finish. Although close-ended toys have their place, open-ended ones are great for one-year-olds because they provide endless imagination, creativity, and problem-solving opportunities.

I researched, dug into my teacher’s brain, and looked for the best toys for kids that encourage open-ended play. We use these toys in our kids- creative activities at home to keep our days afloat.

RELATED: Curious about the best toy storage solutions for kids- creative activities at home? You can find all of your storage solutions here.

three kids playing in a basin of water

Why is Playing at Home Important?

As parents, we know that play is important, and we want kids- creative activities at home. We have also learned that play is the foundation of all learning. Yet, here’s the thing about kids at home…

Sometimes, toddlers and preschoolers need a small seed planted to get them going, which will not be produced from a worksheet. The sources I am talking about are play ideas that encourage children to touch, move, and manipulate objects to create.

The more we encourage kids- creative activities at home, the more children will become exceptional at self-guided play, problem-solving, and forming conclusions on how things work.

RELATED: Want free kids’ creative activities at home? You’ll love this list!

Different Ages for Play

Before we dive into the best kids- creative activities at home, allow me to set the stage and will enable you to understand the importance of play better:

  • In the infant/toddler stage – the child needs physical experiences using senses, experiencing substances, and discovering how things fit together. 

  • Preschool age – the child will begin to add social play into the learning they have had the chance to dive into. Now they are making connections with their peers.  

  • Middle years – the child is more analytical with textbook concepts because they had a chance to touch, move and explore what they are now reading about. The middle schooler is now ready to take learning to the next level, more easily pulling it together.

  • Teenage years – the child can show how things come together. The child has touched, worked with peers, read more about fundamental concepts, and is now ready to become the producer.  

The following at-home ideas will allow your preschooler to hit the ground running. These kids- creative activities at home are as good as that savory cheese dip. They are tried and true, toddler and preschooler approved!

RELATED: Have a toddler? Be sure to check out 40+ Top Play Ideas for Toddlers.

50+ Play Ideas in White Text

Sensory Play Home Kid Activities for Toddlers

When we first began sensory kids- creative activities at home, I quickly realized it wasn’t working. Beans were sprouting from our deck cracks, and rice had been under the fridge for months. And we certainly don’t want that for you!

Instead, I am happy to be your guinea pig and guide you to success. I put together this Introduction to Sensory Play page to help you get set up like a boss. I want you to list what to put inside a toddler sensory bin.

Inside this post, you will learn how to set up your buffer zone, prompt your toddler back to the sensory bin when they walk off with oats in hand, and better understand when it is time to put the sensory bin away. – This is a sure way to begin fun at-home kid activities.

sensory play ideas in white text

Sensory Kid Activities for Preschoolers at Home

Okay! Now that the training is over, let’s keep the momentum going with our preschoolers at home. Ready to try sensory play in your house? You’ll adore these easy-to-put-together sensory kids- creative activities at home ideas.

  • Cloud Dough – whip up some cloud dough and construction toys for a fun play scene.

  • Color Mix – A play on ketchup and mustard, just with paint!

  • Color Squirt – the fun way to repurpose shredded bills.

  • Cut the Play Dough – Have a child that enjoys play dough? Grab the blunt-edge scissors for some cutting practice. 

  • Dry Noodle Sensory Play – a simple way to color noodles.

  • Fill the Lines – this one kind of looks like sweets! See if your child can scoop pom poms into plastic bottles up to the different measuring lines.

  • Glue the Noodles – An effortless way to practice gluing skills through sensory play.

  • Kinetic Sand – grab some kinetic sand and put it in a sensory bin for hours of fun.

  • Ice Rescue Game – add ice to anything to win Christmas kid activities at home. Freeze plastic toys in ice and watch your child experiment with water to release them.

  • Ice Skating Bears – a wintery way to bring sensory play inside. 

  • Nature Sensory Hunt – Use contact paper to collect and chat about nature. A fun way to spend some time outside with minimal prep. 

  • Sand Sensory Play – pop sand in a sensory bin and add scoops, jugs, and anything else lying around.

  • Scissor Sensory Cut – chuck some cooked spaghetti in a sensory bin and watch them cut away.

  • Water Beads – see our favorite brand of water beads here.

pictures of different water games

Water Games at Home Activities for Kids

Water kid activities are one of my very first WHOA. I just got 40 minutes of parenting from the sideline realizations. I ensured the water level was low and watched them closely as they poured and scooped. Water games are a genius way to catch a break at home. But before you dive in, I want you to know my best tip.

My boys are allowed ONE refill. They know this from practice. Need more water? Sure. One time. Once it is gone, it is gone. These quick tips will avoid numerous trips to the sink, and your child will better understand how to assess play so it doesn’t all go to waste.

Now you are ready! Dive into water kids- creative activities at home that can be played indoors or in the backyard for endless fun.

RELATED: Head outside with these outdoor toys for kids.

baby play ideas in text

Activities for One-Year-Olds at Home

Having a one-year-old can be tricky! I get it. They are too old to sleep all day yet too young to emerge in self-guided play for extended amounts of time. We may notice our one-year-old exploring a color-matching game and then quickly becoming distracted by wanting a snack again.

With all this said, I firmly believe that babies, toddlers, and preschoolers should explore the environment and different textures. You do not have to buy out Amazon for 12 months. So how can we use our environment to encourage baby play as we catch our breath?
I searched the internet, so you don’t have to.

RELATED: Here is a list of the best toys for one-year-olds.

learning play ideas in white text

Activities at Home

Let’s give it up for the independent play school ideas that allow us to drink our morning coffee. As we get our preschoolers thinking about important concepts, they will explore them throughout their lifetime. Since we all understand that playing is learning, let’s plant seeds and watch our children dive in.

I call these play school kids- creative activities at home Breakfast Invitations.

Simply put, these play invitations:

  • Are a quick and easy setup – think under 5 minutes.

  • Engage play to create a powerful morning routine – so you can have a relaxing morning.

  • Use supplies – items like markers, painter’s tape, etc. Find everything in our supply list here.

  • Align with lifelong learning skills – giving your little one the best start in life.

toddler and preschool activities

Craving a calmer morning?

Breakfast Invitations are play-based, hands-on, and designed with an intentional introduction to learning through play. Each set of activity cards has an inviting image on the front and set up, what to expect, and language to use with your child on the back.


messy play ideas in white texts

Messy Play Kids- Creative Activities at Home Kid

Eek! I see you looking at this image and shrieking in fear, so I am here to give you a quick messy play tip. Right now, go fill up your washing machine with water and detergent. Get it ready to toss the clothes in once your preschooler is done exploring.

I assure you, it’s as simple as that. – Get messy, strip them down, and toss the messy play clothes in the wash.

Why is Messy Play  Important at Home?

Messy play kids- creative activities at home encourage children to explore substances. These are the same substances that will be what they will revisit in grade school. If you encourage children to touch and feel now, they will make dynamic discoveries as they connect the dots later. You will help spark connections such as:

‘I know this! I remember when I poured the liquid into the tall, narrow squirt bottle that it overflowed faster than the large pitcher.

Try these messy play kids- creative activities at home:

  • Color Mixing; A Play on Ketchup & Mustard – add red and yellow paint to squeeze paint bottles and let them go wild!

  • Color Mixing Shredded Paper Bin – adding paint to shredded paper couldn’t make an easier messy activity. Plus, it’s a great way to reuse your recycling!

  • Decorate the Cake – Use shaving cream or an alternative taste-safe whip cream to make your own cake using a box. 

  • Eyeball Shaving Cream Play – kids love shaving cream. Add some spooky eyeballs so they can play away.

  • Eyeball Soup  – popping some fake eyeballs in water and seeing if your tiny terrors can scoop them out make great Halloween activities for kids at home.

  • Hidden Hearts Cloud Dough – sometimes cloud dough gets outside the bin. Play with cloud dough in a space that can quickly sweep away the mess. 

  • Muddy Water Messy Play – grab a few items from the kitchen for water play with nature.

  • Neon Squirt – they’ve done normal paints, but what about neon?! Try them out; it’s amazing.

  • Shaving Cream Car Tracks – cars and shaving cream is great for exploring textures and patterns.

  • Shaving Cream Duplos – what happens when you mix Duplos with shaving cream? Messy play comes to life, and the kids need a hose down. -pure joy.

  • Shaving Cream Foam Block Sensory Play – Are kids tired of using blocks? Add some shaving cream and see what they come up with!

  • Squirt the Ice – paint on ice shards makes a fun and colorful science experiment.

  • Sweet and Tasty Edible Bin – kids need to taste and touch, so add something to your sensory bin to get them started.

RELATED: Read what healthykids.org shares about how play helps kids thrive.

outdoor play ideas

Outdoor Kids- Creative Activities at Home

As adults, we know when we need a restart, it is helpful to walk outside, breathe in the fresh air and get some sunshine. Being outdoors stimulates the senses and wakes up the brain. These outdoor ideas make great summer activities for kids at home.

Check out these ways to play with kids- creative activities at home – outside edition!

  • Backyard Hunt and Sort – hide a collection of items in the yard and see if your kids can seek and sort them. 

  • DIY Movement Dice – grab an empty tissue box, cover it in paper and draw colored dots on each side with an activity. For example, red means jump!

  • Fall Leaf Painting – keep the drops of paint outside with this large mural of fall. 

  • How Balance Can Improve Reading – check out why balancing helps your little ones literacy skills, then pull out some balancing activities. 

  • How to Paint with Kids Outside – painting with kids can be…tricky! Learn a fuss-free way to paint with them outside.

  • Musical Scavenger Hunt – put that sidewalk chalk to good use with this musical color-sorting game. 

  • Nature Mural – easy as it looks. Collect nature and add it to a large piece of wood to make a nature mural. 

  • Outdoor Sensory Supplies – in need of some supplies? Check out my recommended outdoor sensory supplies.

  • Paint the Rocks – have a child that loves to collect rocks? Try painting them! 

  • Practice Prewriting with Movement – draw some dots outside with chalk, then connect them to make spirals, curves, and lines. Ask your toddler to follow the lines to get comfortable with the shapes.

  • Pumpkin Balance – nothing beats a relay race. Grab the mini pumpkins and try to get to the other side.

  • Stick Painting – Gather some sticks and paint them to combine nature with fine motor skills.

  • 51+ Things to Do for Spring – you’ll love this great list of sensory, crafts, and field trip ideas for Spring.

RELATED: Read what the NAEYC says about why outside play is important for the whole child.

three kids playing in a basin of water

Kids – Creative Activities at Home Are a MUST for Little Learners

I hope you find some fantastic activities from these lists to start your kids- creative activities at home!

How are cognitive development and sensory play helping our babies, toddlers, and preschoolers? Be sure to read this from Michigan State University.

preschool activities for spring

51 Spring Activities for Kids


I did not prepare trays or prompts with my boys in the '80's. They did not need them. I did help gather the loose parts and surfaces to play with or assemble Small Worlds from toys, recyclables, and household items in little brown bags labeled for themes that we would work on gathering items to assemble. However, they were motivated to build from finding something new or me bringing new loose parts home from the store. 

They often wanted wanted to go to the local hardware store on Saturday mornings. Then we would build all weekend inspired by the new materials. Our approach was to let them explore the new materials with the PlayMobil, action figures, and trains that they had at the moment on their own for 20 minutes. Then share their ideas with Russ who was the King of Tinkering. Then we would help in the assembling and building phase., but we tried using their ideas and only gave suggestions when they asked for help. They were very clever and we wanted to create a trial and error atmosphere. Experimenting was a way to learn the science behind any building tasks.

Children focus on playing with eco-friendly natural toys


As parents, we know that play is important, and we want kids- creative activities at home. We have also learned that play is the foundation of all learning. Yet, here’s the thing about kids at home…

Sometimes, toddlers and preschoolers need a small seed planted to get them going, which will not be produced from a worksheet. The sources I am talking about are play ideas that encourage children to touch, move, and manipulate objects to create.

The more we encourage kids- creative activities at home, the more children will become exceptional at self-guided play, problem-solving, and forming conclusions on how things work.

RELATED: Want free kids’ creative activities at home? You’ll love this list!


Before we dive into the best kids- creative activities at home, allow me to set the stage and will enable you to understand the importance of play better:

  • In the infant/toddler stage – the child needs physical experiences using senses, experiencing substances, and discovering how things fit together. 

  • Preschool age – the child will begin to add social play into the learning they have had the chance to dive into. Now they are making connections with their peers.  

  • Middle years – the child is more analytical with textbook concepts because they had a chance to touch, move and explore what they are now reading about. The middle schooler is now ready to take learning to the next level, more easily pulling it together.

  • Teenage years – the child can show how things come together. The child has touched, worked with peers, read more about fundamental concepts, and is now ready to become the producer.  

The following at-home ideas will allow your preschooler to hit the ground running. These kids- creative activities at home are as good as that savory cheese dip. They are tried and true, toddler and preschooler approved!

RELATED: Have a toddler? Be sure to check out 40+ Top Play Ideas for Toddlers.

50+ Play Ideas in White Text


When we first began sensory kids- creative activities at home, I quickly realized it wasn’t working. Beans were sprouting from our deck cracks, and rice had been under the fridge for months. And we certainly don’t want that for you!

Instead, I am happy to be your guinea pig and guide you to success. I put together this Introduction to Sensory Play page to help you get set up like a boss. I want you to list what to put inside a toddler sensory bin.

Inside this post, you will learn how to set up your buffer zone, prompt your toddler back to the sensory bin when they walk off with oats in hand, and better understand when it is time to put the sensory bin away. – This is a sure way to begin fun at-home kid activities.

sensory play ideas in white text


Okay! Now that the training is over, let’s keep the momentum going with our preschoolers at home. Ready to try sensory play in your house? You’ll adore these easy-to-put-together sensory kids- creative activities at home ideas.

  • Cloud Dough – whip up some cloud dough and construction toys for a fun play scene.

  • Color Mix – A play on ketchup and mustard, just with paint!

  • Color Squirt – the fun way to repurpose shredded bills.

  • Cut the Play Dough – Have a child that enjoys play dough? Grab the blunt-edge scissors for some cutting practice. 

  • Dry Noodle Sensory Play – a simple way to color noodles.

  • Fill the Lines – this one kind of looks like sweets! See if your child can scoop pom poms into plastic bottles up to the different measuring lines.

  • Glue the Noodles – An effortless way to practice gluing skills through sensory play.

  • Kinetic Sand – grab some kinetic sand and put it in a sensory bin for hours of fun.

  • Ice Rescue Game – add ice to anything to win Christmas kid activities at home. Freeze plastic toys in ice and watch your child experiment with water to release them.

  • Ice Skating Bears – a wintery way to bring sensory play inside. 

  • Nature Sensory Hunt – Use contact paper to collect and chat about nature. A fun way to spend some time outside with minimal prep. 

  • Sand Sensory Play – pop sand in a sensory bin and add scoops, jugs, and anything else lying around.

  • Scissor Sensory Cut – chuck some cooked spaghetti in a sensory bin and watch them cut away.

  • Water Beads – see our favorite brand of water beads here.

pictures of different water games


Water kid activities are one of my very first WHOA. I just got 40 minutes of parenting from the sideline realizations. I ensured the water level was low and watched them closely as they poured and scooped. Water games are a genius way to catch a break at home. But before you dive in, I want you to know my best tip.

My boys are allowed ONE refill. They know this from practice. Need more water? Sure. One time. Once it is gone, it is gone. These quick tips will avoid numerous trips to the sink, and your child will better understand how to assess play so it doesn’t all go to waste.

Now you are ready! Dive into water kids- creative activities at home that can be played indoors or in the backyard for endless fun.

RELATED: Head outside with these outdoor toys for kids.

baby play ideas in text


Having a one-year-old can be tricky! I get it. They are too old to sleep all day yet too young to emerge in self-guided play for extended amounts of time. We may notice our one-year-old exploring a color-matching game and then quickly becoming distracted by wanting a snack again.

With all this said, I firmly believe that babies, toddlers, and preschoolers should explore the environment and different textures. You do not have to buy out Amazon for 12 months. So how can we use our environment to encourage baby play as we catch our breath?
I searched the internet, so you don’t have to.

RELATED: Here is a list of the best toys for one-year-olds.

learning play ideas in white text

Days with Grey participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Read more about these links in my disclosure policy.


Let’s give it up for the independent play school ideas that allow us to drink our morning coffee. As we get our preschoolers thinking about important concepts, they will explore them throughout their lifetime. Since we all understand that playing is learning, let’s plant seeds and watch our children dive in.

I call these play school kids- creative activities at home Breakfast Invitations.

Simply put, these play invitations:

  • Are a quick and easy setup – think under 5 minutes.

  • Engage play to create a powerful morning routine – so you can have a relaxing morning.

  • Use supplies – items like markers, painter’s tape, etc. Find everything in our supply list here.

  • Align with lifelong learning skills – giving your little one the best start in life.

toddler and preschool activities

Craving a calmer morning?

Breakfast Invitations are play-based, hands-on, and designed with an intentional introduction to learning through play. Each set of activity cards has an inviting image on the front and set up, what to expect, and language to use with your child on the back.


messy play ideas in white texts

Messy Play Kids- Creative Activities at Home Kid

Eek! I see you looking at this image and shrieking in fear, so I am here to give you a quick messy play tip. Right now, go fill up your washing machine with water and detergent. Get it ready to toss the clothes in once your preschooler is done exploring.

I assure you, it’s as simple as that. – Get messy, strip them down, and toss the messy play clothes in the wash.

Why is Messy Play  Important at Home?

Messy play kids- creative activities at home encourage children to explore substances. These are the same substances that will be what they will revisit in grade school. If you encourage children to touch and feel now, they will make dynamic discoveries as they connect the dots later. You will help spark connections such as:

‘I know this! I remember when I poured the liquid into the tall, narrow squirt bottle that it overflowed faster than the large pitcher.

Try these messy play kids- creative activities at home:

  • Color Mixing; A Play on Ketchup & Mustard – add red and yellow paint to squeeze paint bottles and let them go wild!

  • Color Mixing Shredded Paper Bin – adding paint to shredded paper couldn’t make an easier messy activity. Plus, it’s a great way to reuse your recycling!

  • Decorate the Cake – Use shaving cream or an alternative taste-safe whip cream to make your own cake using a box. 

  • Eyeball Shaving Cream Play – kids love shaving cream. Add some spooky eyeballs so they can play away.

  • Eyeball Soup  – popping some fake eyeballs in water and seeing if your tiny terrors can scoop them out make great Halloween activities for kids at home.

  • Hidden Hearts Cloud Dough – sometimes cloud dough gets outside the bin. Play with cloud dough in a space that can quickly sweep away the mess. 

  • Muddy Water Messy Play – grab a few items from the kitchen for water play with nature.

  • Neon Squirt – they’ve done normal paints, but what about neon?! Try them out; it’s amazing.

  • Shaving Cream Car Tracks – cars and shaving cream is great for exploring textures and patterns.

  • Shaving Cream Duplos – what happens when you mix Duplos with shaving cream? Messy play comes to life, and the kids need a hose down. -pure joy.

  • Shaving Cream Foam Block Sensory Play – Are kids tired of using blocks? Add some shaving cream and see what they come up with!

  • Squirt the Ice – paint on ice shards makes a fun and colorful science experiment.

  • Sweet and Tasty Edible Bin – kids need to taste and touch, so add something to your sensory bin to get them started.

RELATED: Read what healthykids.org shares about how play helps kids thrive.

outdoor play ideas

Outdoor Kids- Creative Activities at Home

As adults, we know when we need a restart, it is helpful to walk outside, breathe in the fresh air and get some sunshine. Being outdoors stimulates the senses and wakes up the brain. These outdoor ideas make great summer activities for kids at home.

Check out these ways to play with kids- creative activities at home – outside edition!

  • Backyard Hunt and Sort – hide a collection of items in the yard and see if your kids can seek and sort them. 

  • DIY Movement Dice – grab an empty tissue box, cover it in paper and draw colored dots on each side with an activity. For example, red means jump!

  • Fall Leaf Painting – keep the drops of paint outside with this large mural of fall. 

  • How Balance Can Improve Reading – check out why balancing helps your little ones literacy skills, then pull out some balancing activities. 

  • How to Paint with Kids Outside – painting with kids can be…tricky! Learn a fuss-free way to paint with them outside.

  • Musical Scavenger Hunt – put that sidewalk chalk to good use with this musical color-sorting game. 

  • Nature Mural – easy as it looks. Collect nature and add it to a large piece of wood to make a nature mural. 

  • Outdoor Sensory Supplies – in need of some supplies? Check out my recommended outdoor sensory supplies.

  • Paint the Rocks – have a child that loves to collect rocks? Try painting them! 

  • Practice Prewriting with Movement – draw some dots outside with chalk, then connect them to make spirals, curves, and lines. Ask your toddler to follow the lines to get comfortable with the shapes.

  • Pumpkin Balance – nothing beats a relay race. Grab the mini pumpkins and try to get to the other side.

  • Stick Painting – Gather some sticks and paint them to combine nature with fine motor skills.

  • 51+ Things to Do for Spring – you’ll love this great list of sensory, crafts, and field trip ideas for Spring.

RELATED: Read what the NAEYC says about why outside play is important for the whole child.

three kids playing in a basin of water


I hope you find some fantastic activities from these lists to start your kids- creative activities at home!

How are cognitive development and sensory play helping our babies, toddlers, and preschoolers? Be sure to read this from Michigan State University.




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We’ve created tons of free extras for all your favourite books – click on the links below to download colouring sheets, activity packs and posters.We’ve organised them by age to make it easier for you to find something fun to do!

Activity packs (0 - 5 years)

Rainy day? Print off your own activity pack. Whether it's making Wombles Sock Puppets, planning the perfect Florentine and Pig party, or making your way through the jungle with The Selfish Crocodile, look no further for some great games, puzzles and ideas.

The Simple List of Supplies for Kid Activities

The Simple List of Supplies for Kid Activities

I try to work with the same few items when it comes to activity supplies. That way, I can make my toddler or preschooler activity in a jiffy without rummaging around trying to find it all. As a mom of three, I need simple activities that take less than five minutes to set up.

The simple list of learning supplies will get you started today including what you need for your  Invitations to play .

Invitations to play are simple games that inspire learning through play every day! 

Here you will find the activity supplies you need from the Days with Grey website.





Here are my top five preschool supplies that I cannot live without.

Days with Grey participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Read more about these links in my disclosure policy.

I keep these supplies on hand at all times:









Now let’s take a look at supplies for our resources sold on the Days with Grey SHOP!

The Startup Guide: Press Restart on Your Day

Too often, the beautiful days with young children can feel a bit chaotic.  

The Startup Guide helps you kick-start play-based learning in your home so you can enjoy time with your children.



Supply List:

Breakfast Invitation Cards Set 2

Looking to transform your mornings?

You asked for an additional set, and here they are! Sets do not need to be done in order. Families can begin with set 1 or set 2 at any time. Both sets are for open-ended learning with simple play prompts.

Breakfast Invitation Cards Set 2


Supply List:

The Breakfast Invitation Cards Set 2 allow alternatives for supplies. You will find alternative suggestions on the back of each card to keep your supplies flexible.

Breakfast Invitation Cards Set 1

Looking to transform your mornings?

Breakfast Invitations are simple games that inspire creativity and independent play throughout the day. Kids can have fun learning while YOU enjoy your morning!

Breakfast Invitation Cards Set 1


Supply List:

The Breakfast Invitation Cards Set 1 allow alternatives for supplies. You will find alternative suggestions on the back of each card to keep your supplies flexible.

BIG KID Activity Cards

These activities are a great supplement to digital learning!

Who are these BIG KID activity cards for?

20 hands-on activities for ages 5.5-8 years old.

BIG KID Activity Cards


Supply List:

I made sure these activities involved problem-solving, creating, and moving beyond a memorized learning concept. These cards were made for ages 5.5-8 years old and the activities are a great supplement to digital learning. You will notice MANY of the supplies repeat from the preschool Breakfast Invitation activity cards.

65+ Winning Water Activities for Kids »


Breakfast InvitationsFine MotorPlay & LearnParenting,

100+ Best Toys for Kids

Backyard toys for kids

​​27 Types of Outdoor Toys for Kids

Block toys for kids featuring wooden blocks, plastic blocks, and Legos

Block Play Toys

40 must try sensory bins for toddlers and preschoolers.

Sensory Activities for Kids

8 winter snowman craft idea images for toddlers and preschoolers. Snowman sensory play, melted snowman ideas, and snowman snacks.

10 Snowman Craft Ideas for Those Cozy Days In

Eight pictures of kids playing in cloud dough in a sensory bin.

Cloud Dough Sensory Play Activity Guide

Fine motor skills

50+ Fine Motor Skills Activities

winter snow, art, and indoor activities

40 Fun Winter Activities for Kids

Eight images of preschoool activities to learn 2D and 3D shapes.

20 Shape Activities for Preschool

35+ Brilliant Color Activities

kid painting activities

Easy Painting Activities for Kids

collage of kids playing kinetic sands

Kinetic Sand for Kids – 20+ Ways to Play

15 cardboard box activities for kids.

15 Cardboard Box Activities for Kids

Board games with kids featuring eight family games to play.

13 Board Games for Kids

40 must try sensory bins for toddlers and preschoolers.

Sensory Activities for Kids

winter snow, art, and indoor activities

40 Fun Winter Activities for Kids

gross motor activities in white text

Gross Motor Skills and Activities

preschool art ideas

50+ Art Activities for Kids

kid-friendly day trips

How to Take a Day Trip with Kids

preschool sensory binsCover image to display kid's artwork.

The Importance of Displaying Kid’s Artwork

Christmas tree crafts for toddlers and preschoolers

Christmas Tree Crafts

Two young children playing in a room full of toy trucks, wooden puzzles, and blocks.

7 Easy Steps How to Encourage Toy Cleanup

Eight images that are sharing popsicle craft ideas for kids.

27 Easy DIY Popsicle Stick Craft Ideas

17 rainy day activities for toddlers and preschoolers.

17 Rainy Day Activities for Kids


Two printable scavenger hunts for kids. One for morning routines and another for indoor toys.

FREE Printable Scavenger Hunts

Eight pictures of kids playing with chalk.

13 Sidewalk Chalk Activities for Kids

List of life skills for ages 6-10.

Life Skills for Big Kids Printables

Young child on the floor upset about something a parent is asking them to do.

How to Reframe Power Struggles with Kids

Preschooler playing with a sensory bin in parent's workroom as parent works on the computer.

Why I Keep A Sensory Bin in My Workroom

Busy bag for kids ideas for families to take on the go.

A Parent’s Guide to Busy Bags

Eight spring craft ideas for toddlers and preschoolers. Nature butterflies, Easter egg painting, rainbows, and plants.

17 Spring Crafts for Kids

Four year old boy playing with blocks and trucks for quiet time.

The Ultimate Guide to Quiet Time for Kids

Eight pictures of kids enjoying messy sensory play at home.

11 Messy Play Sensory Activities

Eight pictures of bubble activities for kids.

15 Bubble Activities for Kids

Eight pictures showing sand sensory bins.

Sand Sensory Activities for Kids

Collection of the best water activities for toddlers, preschoolers, and big kids.

65+ Winning Water Activities for Kids


Collection of pictures featuring the best water toys for kids.

Water Toys for Kids

preschool thinking activity

Will It Stick? – A Preschool Thinking Activity

30+ Kindergarten Activities for Hands-On LearningEight indoor activity images for kids to play outside.Preschool Snowman STEM Activity

Preschool Snowman STEM Activity

DIY Magnetic Wall

Toddler Fine Motor

Develop toddler fine motor skills through hand and eye coordination activities. Guide your toddler through these activities to form the foundation of their movements.

Kid activities using painter's tape.

25 Painter’s Tape Activities for Kids

Eight easy suncatchers for kids.

9 Easy DIY Suncatchers for Kids

Little boy decorating a simple sun drawing on contact paper.

Sticky Summer Suncatcher for Toddlers

To practice drawing, a child uses a gray crayon to trace a mitten cookie cutter on paper.

Cookie Cutter Kid Tracing Activity

fine motor art activity

Glue the Colored Noodles

Preschooler using tongs to pick up small plastic letters that are on white paper with a blue drawing of water.

Fine Motor Letter Grab

Preschooler decorating four paper Easter eggs with blue and purple tissue paper.

Tissue Paper Easter Art

A preschooler driving a toy race car along the lines of the letter F to practice writing it.

Tracing Letters with Race Cars

Two boys are painting a large canvas of Elmer the Elephant.

Let’s Paint Elmer the Elephant!

different picture of kids doing activities on a white paper

12 Sticker Activities

Preschooler painting a white heart with a sponge and red paint.

Sponge Painting Valentine’s Hearts

Toddler Fine Motor

Develop toddler fine motor skills through hand and eye coordination activities. Guide your toddler through these activities to form the foundation of their movements.

Toddler picking up a yellow block and putting it on the yellow square in front of him.

Toddler Color Toy Sort

Young boy decorating an ornament poster using colorful tissue paper.

Easy Christmas Art Activity for Kids

A toddler color sorting toy race cars into colored parking spots.

Drive and Park Toddler Color Sort

Two boys sitting on the kitchen floor working on a pumpkin art activity. They are gluing pieces of orange and yellow tissue paper to the large drawing.

Tissue Paper Pumpkin Art

Have a toddler at home? Text in black and 11 pictures of kids playing

40+ Unbeatable Toddler Activities

Eight pictures of toddler playing outside for summer.

30 Easy Summer Activities for Toddlers

Three kids marching outside around a chalk colored circle.

Outdoor Game for Toddlers; a Musical Scavenger Hunt

Toddler sensory play

Toddler Block Box

toys for two and three year olds

Toys for Toddlers

Preschooler shaking a homemade sound shaker to explore the sound it makes when shaken.

DIY Sound Shaker; a Toddler Science Activity

outdoor fine motor toddler activity

Nature Block Stack; a Motor Activity

Toddler getting his body ready to jump over two lines of painter's tap

Hop the Lines; a Toddler Jumping Activity

Collection of the best summer sensory bins for kids.

15 Summer Sensory Bin Activities

Collection of morning activities for toddlers and preschoolers.

Summer Breakfast Invitations for Kids

Top five water tables for kids.

Top 5 Water Tables for Kids

Preschooler holding a green toy he found for a color hunt.

Preschool Color Hunt

Four-year-old sitting on a chair inside grabbing a stuffed shark with kitchen tongs to improve fine motor.

The Claw; An Indoor Game

A child is using giant tongs to pick up plastic bears that are in drawn hot lava.

Fine Motor Activity; Bear Rescue

Toddler squirting blue water in a winter ice sensory bin.

Winter Ice Sensory Activity

Two toddlers adding yellow and orange tissue paper squares to contact paper hung on the wall. The sticky paper has a pumpkin outline that the children are decorating for fall.

Sticky Pumpkin;
an Easy Toddler Activity

Preschooler splashing the letter A with a squirt bottle.

Splash the Alphabet

fun painting idea for kids

It’s Simple; Paint the Sticks for the Win

Collection of toilet paper rolls with colorful paint on either end.

Paper Roll Color Maze

preschool activities

Nine pictures of a preschooler playing hands-on learning activities.

101+ Preschool Activities

NEW Breakfast Invitation Cards for Preschool Activities at Home!

preschool activity cards

Preschool Activities for Kids at Home

Popular Breakfast invitations Get started text

Most Popular Preschool Activities

Eight images of preschoool activities to learn 2D and 3D shapes.

20 Shape Activities for Preschool

The best 17 fun science activities for preschoolers. It shows images of 9 easy experiments for kids.

17 Science Activities for Preschool

15+ gingerbread activities for toddlers and preschooelrs.

Gingerbread Activities for Preschool

Collage of eight hands-on learning math activities for preschoolers.

50 Math Activities for Preschoolers

scissor skills for kids

25+ Cutting Activities for Preschoolers

Kids doing Halloween Activities

31 Halloween Activities for Preschoolers

Preschool Fall activities layout

50 Fall Activities for Preschoolers

Breakfast Invitations; Preschool Hands-on Activities

Preschooler sitting at a table decorating a paper pizza with red paper circles for pepperoni.

Preschool Pizza Decorating Activity

Valentine's Day Family Activities written in pink with a red and pink heart.

15 Fun Valentine’s Day Family Activities

Collage of eight ideas to help with kids being home sick.

Sick Day Activities for Kids

List of Christmas Family Activities

30 Family Activities on Christmas Break

Halloween mini erasers, stickers, trick or treat basket and plastic skulls for Five at-home Halloween activities.

Five at-Home Halloween Activities

preschool art ideas

50+ Art Activities for Kids

Outdoor sensory play text and a container with different things inside

50 Outdoor Activities for Kids

toy list featuring animal toys for kids

Animal Toys for Kids


Inside: You won’t believe how many amazingly fun and educational kids’ activities you can set up using common household items! With this list, your kids will be entertained for hours, and they will learn a lot about creativity and thinking outside the box.

As a busy mom of four, I’m always on the lookout for items to keep them happy and engaged without spending a fortune. New toys are, of course, exciting and fun, but we all know how quickly they become old toys. Fortunately, there are lots of things right in our homes with endless entertaining and educational potential.

In fact, when I recently sat down and decided to make a list to share with you, it added up to 100 common household items that can be used for fun kid activities!

One hundred is a pretty large number and it can be overwhelming to figure out where and how to start. I placed the items in rooms where you are most likely to find them and have provided some links for activities you could try with these items.

You won’t believe how many amazingly fun and educational kids’ activities you can set up using common household items! #funathomewithkids #earlylearning #handsonlearning #formoms #kitchenscience #STEAM #boredombusters

Here is an idea: challenge yourself to use one item every day until you get through the whole list. It’s a great way to bond, learn, and grow together.

I hope this list will inspire you to try new activities with your children.

100 Household Items

You won’t believe how many amazingly fun and educational kids’ activities you can set up using common household items! #funathomewithkids #earlylearning #handsonlearning #formoms #kitchenscience #STEAM #boredombusters


  1. Dishwashing liquid (How to Make Giant Bubbles)

  2. Drinking straws (Homemade Barometer)

  3. Birthday Candles (Birthday Candles See-Saw Experiment)

  4. Baking Soda (7 Baking Soda Activities for Kids)

  5. Paper Cups (DIY Cup Amplifier)

  6. Vinegar ((Dragon Spells)

  7. Paper Plates (Paper Plate Maracas)

  8. Spoons (Catapult)

  9. Food coloring (Color Changing Milk Experiment)

  10. Colander (Pasta Play Activity)

  11. Empty containers (Russian Roulette with an oatmeal container)

  12. Salad Tongs (50 Fun Ways to Play With Tongues)

  13. Water bottles (Sensory Bottles)

  14. Mixing Bowls (Fire and Ice Experiment)

  15. Pots (Making Music with Pots and Pans)

  16. Lids (Lid Banjos)

  17. Whisk (Play with Water and a Whisk)

  18. Potato masher (Potato Masher Print)

  19. Aluminum foil (Foil River)

  20. Toothpicks (Glow-in-the-dark Stars)

  21. Chopsticks (Paper beads)

  22. Cupcake liners (BathTub Science Fun)

  23. Plastic bags (Surprising Science of Polymers)

  24. Kitchen staples (Sensory Painting)

  25. Molds (Kids’ Soap Lab)

  26. Mason jars (Fairy jars)

  27. Empty glass jars (T-rex Experiment)

  28. Cookie cutters (3-D Heart)

  29. Cookie tray (Scroll down to Hands-on Learning in this Math Activities post)

  30. Muffin tin (Scroll down to Sorting and Pouring in the Flat Marbles post)

  31. Wax paper (Origami Halloween Light)

You won’t believe how many amazingly fun and educational kids’ activities you can set up using common household items! #funathomewithkids #earlylearning #handsonlearning #formoms #kitchenscience #STEAM #boredombusters

Office Supplies

  1. Markers (Chromatography experiments)

  2. Highlighter (Glow-in-the-dark bubbles)

  3. Newspaper (Snowman Family)

  4. Paperclips (Defying gravity with LEGO science)

  5. Rubber bands (Pennies and Apple Experiment)

  6. Paper (DIY Rockets)

  7. Index cards (STEM towers)

  8. Duck tape (Notebook covers)

  9. Gift wrapping paper (craft ideas)

  10. School pencils (Balancing Magic)

  11. Ruler (3-D Math Valentines)

  12. Tape measure (How tall are you and other tape measure activities)

  13. Stapler (DIY Book for Kids)

  14. Binder clips (Decorate Binder Clips)

  15. Post-It notes (“I love you for…” game)

  16. Push pins (Push Pin Maze)

  17. Clear glue (Halloween slime)

  18. Ink pads (Family Tree Craft)

You won’t believe how many amazingly fun and educational kids’ activities you can set up using common household items! #funathomewithkids #earlylearning #handsonlearning #formoms #kitchenscience #STEAM #boredombusters

Food Items

  1. Flour (Bread in a Bag)

  2. Mashed potato powder (Winter Sensory Play)

  3. Eggs (DIY Faberge Eggs)

  4. Rice (10 Rice Sensory Bins)

  5. Beans (8 Activities with Beans)

  6. Salt (Natural Playdough Recipe – coming up)

  7. Peanut Butter (Non-Newtonian Fluid)

  8. Sugar (Rock candy – coming up)

  9. Pasta (Pasta Art Activities)

  10. Marshmallows (Building Challenge for Kids)

  11. Cocoa Powder (Harry Potter Chocolate Frogs)

  12. Whipping Cream (Homemade Butter)

  13. Milk (Invisible Ink Using MilkHow to Make “Plastic” out of Milk)

  14. Cornstarch (Silky-Smooth Playdough)

  15. Candy (STEM Structures)

  16. Soda (Erupting Soda Bottle)

  17. Pumpkin (40 Fun and Easy Pumpkin Activities)

  18. Spinach (Green Pancakes)

Bathroom Staples

  1. Contact Lens Solution (Basic Slime)

  2. Q-tips (Process Art with Q-tips)

  3. Shaving cream (10 Shaving Cream Art Ideas)

  4. Shampoo (Rainbow Shampoo)

  5. Baby lotion (Baby Lotion Playdough)

  6. Cotton balls (25 Cotton Balls Hands-On Ideas)

  7. Laundry basket (25 Boredom Busting Laundry Basket Games)

  8. Mirror (Pupil Dilation Experiment)

  9. Toilet paper rolls (Membranophone)

  10. Dental floss (Peanut Butter – Rubber Gloves Game)

  11. Comb (Comb Paintings)

  12. Bath scale (Bathroom Scale Lessons)

  13. Iodine (Incredible Iodine Science)

  14. Alka-seltzer (Alka-Seltzer Rockets)

  15. Dixie cups (Dixie Cups Garland)

  16. Tealight candles (Candle Science)

Craft cabinet

  1. Beads or Flat Marbles (Toilet Roll Challenge)

  2. Popsicle sticks (DIY Newton Cradle)

  3. Balloons (Homemade Barometer)

  4. String (Can You Pick up ice with a Piece of String)

  5. Ribbons (15 Ribbon Flowers)

  6. Dice (12 Dice Games)

  7. Paper bag (35 Cool Paper Bag Crafts)

  8. String (Sticky Ice Science)

  9. Glitter (Glittery Painting)

  10. Tissue paper (20 Tissue Paper Crafts for Kids)

  11. Pliers (Homemade Compass)

  12. Googly eyes (Monster Eyes Activity)

  13. Pom-poms (Simple Pom-pom Drop)

  14. Pipe cleaners (Magic Pipe Cleaners)

  15. Watercolors (Watercolors & Oils Science Activity)

  16. Tempera paints (String Art)

  17. Paintbrushes (31 Kids Painting ideas)

  18. Shoebox (Shoebox Treasure Chest)

You won’t believe how many amazingly fun and educational kids’ activities you can set up using common household items! #funathomewithkids #earlylearning #handsonlearning #formoms #kitchenscience #STEAM #boredombusters


How To Get Started With Creating  Simple Small Worlds By Little Lifelong Learners

Miniature worlds are fascinating and wondrous for young children! They get to be masters of these little environments, and explore beautiful materials that transport them to mysterious and amazing lands away from home. Small World Play encourages imagination, investment, and creativity, while providing so many avenues for conversation and knowledge building about people, places, animals, and more!

Parents: There is a lot of fun to be had as you provide (purchase or create) the creative elements for small worlds. When I was doing this, Hope had the ability to scour a store for the things she wanted to use in her art as soon as she walked and talked.

The produce and bakery in a grocery store were her favorite departments to discover treasures and creative tidbits. But you may need to coach your little one through the process. Work on one theme at a time for the most part. When we found a great price we would purchase ahead. You will have fun with this and hopefully you have wonderful family and friends that helped us find unique elements. But when you have a theme ready, you will need to model how to put the play scene together at first.

But let the children arrange their play set and play the way that they want to as soon as they can handle it. I did this at night after she was asleep. Your set up should include a tray to create in and a tray of organized elements. 

50+ Pretend Play Spaces to Inspire Play | you clever monkey



Knowing what interests your child is important. If your child likes super heroes, get a fire truck and talk about real-life heroes. You can get them a superhero costume for dress-up play. Build off of child’s interests to introduce new concepts and different kinds of play.


Take note of what your child is able to do at the moment. Provide toys that allow them to feel successful and those that challenge them to advance their skills. For example, start with puzzles with large chunky knobs and then introduce the peg-piece variety. For most things, start with larger pieces and move to smaller as they develop their fine motor skills.The younger the children are, the more simple you want to keep your small world (with maybe one element of sensory play and using items they can easily manipulate themselves). Less is more in this case. The older children are, the more elaborate small worlds can become.


Choose a subject for your small world that the child has experience or at least an interest in. (For a first small world animals are often a safe bet as most children have some knowledge of or interest in them or you could try and act out a favorite story like ‘Going on a Bear Hunt’) or song like “Old Mc Donald”. I also used some of her favorite television shows and movies for inspiration. But ask them about what their favorite scene was. I could have gathered materials for creating a jungle from “Jungle Book” for Hope. But knowing it was the mango scene and the girls carrying water that she really liked made me aware of her favorite elements from the movie, ensured that it would be used more often. 


Be inspired by what you have in your toy box, in your kitchen, garden or anywhere else within reach. Part of the fun of small world play is setting the scene! Children love to be involved in creating small worlds and like to hunt for items they might want to use.It’s fun to make this a collaborative effort with your little ones, giving them ownership of the process.
Remember that you can add elements of sensory play too (like sand, water, play-dough, straw, uncooked rice, rocks, …) and that you might (will!) need a box or tray of some sort to contain your items.

Provide a wide variety of colors, textures, sizes, shapes and sounds and let them do the exploring. Things like colorful building blocks, silky scarves and wooden cars lend themselves to a multi-sensory experience. All of these items also have a variety of ways to play in them.

    Open-ended toys can often be used much longer and add more variety in play. Try to pick out items you can use in 3 different ways. Can you count it, build with it, pretend with it, etc? Great! It will more than likely be a purchase you won’t regret.

But now we are ready for setting up and assembling the small world playtime

How to get started with small world play | Sensory small world tubs for babies, toddlers and preschoolers | Imaginative play, creative thinking skills | Play ideas, tot school, learning through play |

There are really only three main components to a sensory small world – the base, the figurines and the loose parts. Then all you need is something to set it up on or in! You could use a small world table or any old container really! Lately we’ve been loving the Kmart Metal Tray for our small worlds!

Let’s get stuck into the details so that you can create your very own small world tray in no time!

The Base

This is my favorite part – the sensory element of the small world! There are so many wonderful materials you could use as your base such as:

The Animals or Figurines

Next you add your animals or figurines! We buy pretty much all of our animal figurines from Mini Zoo! They are so realistic and will last a lifetime of play for each of our three children. They are definitely worth the investment! Some of our favorite figurines for play include:

  • Schleich or CollectA animals – We have a set of farm, jungle, ocean, dinosaur and wild animals!

  • Wild Republic polybags – These ones are still large enough for little hands while still being realistic. We love our Aquatic Animals and Insect sets!

How to get started with small world play | Sensory small world tubs for babies, toddlers and preschoolers | Imaginative play, creative thinking skills | Play ideas, tot school, learning through play |
  • Safari brand Toobs – These smaller sets of animals are perfect for small worlds on a smaller scale. They’re also great for adding to a kit to take out and about too!

  • CollectA Minis – We recently got our first few sets of Minis and they are gorgeous! They are smaller versions of the very realistic larger animals!

  • Construction Vehicles

  • Fairy figurines

  • Peg dolls and little people – We love the little Hape brand people from The Creative Toy Shop.

My little learners loved this Construction Small World! The small pebbles were such a hit!

The Loose Parts + Extras

How to get started with small world play | Sensory small world tubs for babies, toddlers and preschoolers | Imaginative play, creative thinking skills | Play ideas, tot school, learning through play |

The final step is adding your loose parts, plants or any other little extras. But keep in mind, this totally isn’t necessary! Often the sensory element and figurines are enough to invite lots of engaged play!

Natural Loose Parts – Collect things from nature that you can use in your small worlds. Shells from the beach or twigs and pebbles from the park make wonderful additions to your small worlds. You can also get gorgeous wooden pieces from Mini Minds Australia and Made With Altitude that add such a gorgeous natural touch to your tubs!

Fake Plants – We have quite the collection of fake plants for our small worlds. We find them at dollar shops, Ikea and our local Aquarium!

Our lizard small world was made up from natural treasures we collected at the park the day before! I added them to a tub of brown dyed rice with our lizards and our Mini Minds Australia natural wood slices

I hope these tips get you excited to get started with creating small worlds!


Never fear! It is simple! Small worlds lend themselves to all themes, materials, and situations.
There is no right or wrong way to set up small world play. 

Pick a theme that you know your child will be interested in. If you made discovery baskets when your child was an infant, then you have a lot of supplies that your child is familiar with to consider. Then you can get started. First decide where you set up our materials. It might be in a plastic bin. In a sand play table. Or even in a recycled pizza or shoe box or even in a simple tray. It will determine your base and what size your treasures will need to be. The most important (and best) step is saved for last. PLAY!

If you are both new at this you can start simple. If you’ve built a farm scene for instance, you can start by feeding the animals, cleaning the barns, let the farmer check up on them etc. You can use simple actions and simple words (go on, make some animal sounds!). I’m sure children will join in fairly soon and you can play alongside each other for a while mirroring his (her) actions and following his lead (if he wants the cows to go to sleep: night time it is!) until they are ready to play on their own.

It’s good to keep in mind that all children are different. Some children only need a little help getting started and will be completely absorbed by their little worlds for a while. My little ones always loved having everything in one bin. Others will rather not play alone or lose interest quickly. That’s all ok. Don’t be discouraged (after all the effort of setting up this amazing small world!), you can leave it out for a couple of days and chances are they’ll want to revisit soon.

In general: as the child grows their play will evolve, become more abstract (being able to play out scenes they are not necessarily familiar with) and the play will become predominantly child-led. (Milestone!)

Link to Small World Supplies

Simple Small Worlds

Reptile Small World and Sensory Play

Reptile Small World Sensory Play (Twodaloo)

Tropical Island Small World

Tropical Island Water Table (Craftulate)


Ocean Sensory Table (Stir the Wonder)

Frog Life Cycle Small World

Frog Sensory Bin (Coffee Cups and Crayons)

Small World Beach Play

Beach Play (The Boy and Me)

Beach Sensory Bin

Beach Small World (Fantastic Fun and Learning)


Brown Grocery Bag Small WorldTown Play Mat 

Simple Small Worlds

Simple Small Worlds: Fizzing Hidden Ocean World


Safari Ltd sent us a TOOB free of charge at my request.  My review of their products is not swayed by this as I already loved them! One of the most classic subjects for a small world is the ocean.  Full of amazing, ...

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Simple Small Worlds: Butterfly World


You can read about our other Simple Small Worlds here:
Fizzing Hidden Ocean World
Froggy World
Insect World
Dinosaurs and Sticky Mud Farm World Dragon World Dinosaurs and Frozen Snow For your convenience, ...

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Simple Small Worlds: Dragon World


This originally ran as a guest post at NurtureStore in May 2013. If you are unfamiliar with our Simple Small World series - all the small worlds must be able to be set up in 5 minutes or less and I try to repeat ...

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Simple Small Worlds: Insect World


Safari Ltd provided me with their Insect TOOB free of charge, but all opinions expressed in this post are my own and were not influenced by the free product since I already loved their products! One of the things ...

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Simple Small Worlds: Dinosaurs Island


When I presented the tray to him, I reminded him that he found all of the sticks, leaves and rocks and had him touch the different leaves. We talked about textures like how the leaves with jagged edges looked a lot like the dinosaur's teeth

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Simple Small Worlds: Farm World


You can read about our other Simple Small Worlds here: Fizzing Hidden Ocean World Froggy World Insect World Dinosaurs and Sticky Mud Dragon World Butterfly World Dinosaurs and Frozen Snow This post contains ...

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Simple Small Worlds: Frog World

You can read about our other simple small worlds here: Fizzing
Hidden Ocean World
Insect World Farm World
Dinosaurs and Sticky Mud Dragon World
Butterfly World
Dinosaurs and Frozen Snow
I love small world imaginative ...

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Simple Small Worlds: Dinosaurs and Frozen Sensory Snow


I saw this awesome recipe for Shivery Snow Dough from Learn with Play at Home a few months back and thought it was totally brilliant!  A freezing cold snow dough in the hot summer sounded just perfect.  I decided ...

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Link to Small World Supplies

Pirate Slime Recipe for Sensory Play

Pirate Slime Recipe & Sensory Play for Kids

Ahoy! Are you ready for an adventure? This pirate slime recipe is sure to please those little pirate fans in your home! We’re back for another round of our Virtual Book Club, it’s a fun way to connect picture books with preschool art projects and learning activities! This month our book/craft theme is “Ye Old Pirates” […]

Forest Animals Sensory Bin

Forest animals sensory bin for kids! Hands-on forest animals sensory box for preschoolers

This forest animals sensory bin is full of fun and learning! I threw this activity together as part of our virtual book club. If you are not familiar with our virtual book club, it’s a set of engaging kids activities that connect to children’s books for preschoolers.  Our theme this month is “The Great Outdoors,” so […] 

Small World Play: Gnome & Fairy Garden


My daughter and the daycare kids love the peg gnomes & fairies from our fall nature table so much that they end up staying out all year long.  They’ve been part of our calming sensory bin and our DIY felt play mats. This time they got their own small world to live in! Gnome & Fairy Garden: Small World Play […]

Portable Small World:
Pretend Model Train Set
 from Play Trains!


With obvious delight, he dumped the whole set onto the table. Time seemed to slow as I watched, dreading the inevitable scattering of tiny trees and trains and felt rocks everywhere, my one fear regarding the practicality of the set.

SEPTEMBER 30, 2013  

School Bus Small World For Imaginative Play


This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PlayWithPlaymobil #CollectiveBias Kids love to play pretend and today we have a fun school bus small world prompt to inspire your kids to dream up a school environment of their own. Whether your kids are just starting school, adjusting […]

Pumpkin Patch Small World On The Light Table


Let’s go to the pumpkin patch! We’re really into using our small world activities on the light table lately.  Since it’s that time of year when we start talking about pumpkins and planning pumpkin patch trips I decided to make this fun pumpkin patch small world for our light table.  Pumpkins are also our theme for this month’s Light […]

10+ Light Table Small World Activities

10+ fun small world activities for kids to try on the light table!!

Here are 10+ of our favorite light table small world activities! We love both small world activities and light table activities so what’s better than combing the two? Not much! 😉 Below you will find a list of our favorites activities that combine light table play with small world exploration! Small world activities let kids […]

Simple Native American Small World


Have you made a small world activity for your child yet? I love making these for my daughter and the daycare kids! It’s such fun to watch all the creative stories that they weave within these little worlds.  We’ve made several small world activities and this week we’re sharing a simple one to let your children explore the lives of Native […] 

Emergency Vehicles Small World Play

Emergency Vehicles Small World Play! Community Helpers Pretend Play

We absolutely love small world play! Do your kids? We’ve done several small world play activities and now we’re excited to share our E is for Emergency Vehicles Small World as part of Still Playing School’s fun new series: A to Z Small World Play Ideas! Emergency Vehicles Small World Play     Affiliate links provided for your convenience see […]

Under The Sea Small World Play on the Light Table

Under the Sea Small World Activity on the Light Table! Light play for kids

Lets go under the sea! This week our Light & Reflections Series is back and it’s all about sea life for our “under the sea” theme.  For this month’s theme we turned our light table into an ocean small world! If you have an ocean unit coming up at preschool or an ocean lover this is […]

Igloo Craft & Arctic Small World on the Light Table

Arctic Small World Play with igloos and Eskimos for kids

With winter in full swing here but no snow in sight for us we’ve been busy learning about places that have lots of snow like the arctic.  We recently learned about arctic animals through small world play and the girls loved it so much we’ve been doing more and more activities to learn about life in the arctic. […]

Arctic Animals Small World on the Light Table

Arctic Animals Light Table Small World Activity

Looking for winter activities for the light table? Try this arctic animals small world activity today! Our Light and Reflections series is focusing on winter related activities this week and we have lots of fun activities for you to try.  This theme is perfect for us because my daughter and daycare kids have been very interested in arctic animals […]

Simple Farm Small World {Wild West Book Club}

Farm Small World Activity for Kids

This month we’ve been reading children’s books about cowboys, farms, and the Oregon Trail as part of our virtual book club’s “The Wild West” theme.  If you’re not familiar with the Poppins Book Nook Series, it is a virtual book club featuring numerous activities that connect books with hands-on learning activities. It’s so much fun! […]

Simple Farm Small World

FARM SENSORY PLAY: A simple small world activity that's easy to set up

Construction Small World


We’ve also used brown rice and yellow split corn as a base for our small world play in the past too. Again, you can store this in a sandwich bag to reuse over and over…but I don’t recommend trying to separate the pieces once they are mixed!

Outside Pond Small World

Simple Pond Small World

I gathered a blue pie plate we have and filled it with water. Then I set it outside near some tall grasses in our yard. In and around the pond, I added a few small pebbles and the animals we collected. ***See More

Not a Fairy Garden - a Dinosaur Garden!


 This post is part of a series on Playspace Design.   Other posts in the series include: Our Playroom Our Reading Room Our Art Room DIY Outdoor Sound Wall Natural Rock Play Space and Outdoor Kitchen This is ...

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Castle Small World

Recycled Cardboard castle

A recycled cardboard box craft to make a castle. Your castle slots together with 2 simple pieces and can be stored away easily. It could be a Medieval Kings Camelot Castle or a Fairy Princess castle.

Recycled Cardboard Treehouse Small World


We have seen expensive wooden versions of these, but here is our recycled cardboard version…Perfect for a Family, Jungle or Dinosaur Small World. Use old cardboard packaging cut down to the size that you want. We used two kitchen roll tubes and two toilet roll tubes.

A Box City Small World

up-cycled craft project making a cardboard box city

Upcycled Block City

Wooden building blocks decorated to make buildings

15 Ocean Sensory Play Ideas for Kids

Why You Want a Water Table (and 10 creative ways to use one!) from Fun at Home with Kids

The ocean is full of amazing sensory experiences: various textures and scents, beautiful vibrant colors, and interesting sounds.  Sometimes you can't make it to the beach, though, and for those times, we've got ...

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Vinegar-Free Fizzy Car Rescue!


Though we love ourselves a good car painting session, we hadn't really involved our cars in our sensory or small world play.  But we had so much fun with our Fizzy Foaming Car Wash a few weeks back that I just had ...

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No Sew Dinosaur World Playmat


Sara LOVES dinosaurs.  So very much.  I had some felt scraps from working on another project (a doorway puppet theater for her school auction) and so I thought I'd try making a felt playmat.  It turned out great and ...

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Building A Ocean and Beach World for Pretend Play


I am so excited to be a part of Disney/Babble's Virtual Summer Camp!  Today is my day to be the virtual camp counselor, and I'd love to show you all how to make your very own Giant Ocean and Beach World.  When ...

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Easter Bunny No-Sew Felt Playmat


S loves Dino World so much that I started contemplating an Easter-themed playmat.  If you sew, I am sure that you can create a much prettier version of this mat.  As for me, I am terrible at sewing, so for ease ...

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Beach Sand Cloud Dough Recipe (with real sand!)


This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. Remember when I tried to make WABA Kinetic Sand and ended up creating Borax-Free Slime Dough a few weeks back?  Well while we were on vacation, I got to ...

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Educator Shaun upcycled used coffee grounds to make 'dirt' for this animal small world play.

The Empowered Educator shows us why setting up small world invitations to play doesn't need to be complicated, time consuming or Insta worthy! Educators, teachers and homeschool families will love these 10 ideas shared by early childhood educators!

Linda, an Educator made this 'We're Going a Bear Hunt' small world invitation to play. The 'mud' was made from cornflour, chocolate powder and water and the snow was tapioca pearls. You might like to extend on this activity with our Goopy Bear Hunt.

The Empowered Educator shows us why setting up small world invitations to play doesn't need to be complicated, time consuming or Insta worthy! Educators, teachers and homeschool families will love these 10 ideas shared by early childhood educators!

Get creative with the materials you use to create your small world - Rebecca used a simple cutlery tray for this fun construction zone invitation designed to ignite imaginary play.

The Empowered Educator shows us why setting up small world invitations to play doesn't need to be complicated, time consuming or Insta worthy! Educators, teachers and homeschool families will love these 10 ideas shared by early childhood educators!

Tracey made this cosy road and carpark small world invitation to play in a cupboard - genius idea!

The Empowered Educator shows us why setting up small world invitations to play doesn't need to be complicated, time consuming or Insta worthy! Educators, teachers and homeschool families will love these 10 ideas shared by early childhood educators!

Why not add a mirror to you small world play? It can add depth dimension with patterns, reflection and more - just like this fishing themed one shared by Kylie in our Facebook group.

The Empowered Educator shows us why setting up small world invitations to play doesn't need to be complicated, time consuming or Insta worthy! Educators, teachers and homeschool families will love these 10 ideas shared by early childhood educators!

Small world invitations to play certainly don't have to only be setup inside - Jamie from our group shared this garden small world, a perfect canvas to invite dinosaur play...or whatever the children decide those figures are! What could you put in your garden to make an interesting yet simple small world?

The Empowered Educator shows us why setting up small world invitations to play doesn't need to be complicated, time consuming or Insta worthy! Educators, teachers and homeschool families will love these 10 ideas shared by early childhood educators!

No Sew Felt Woodland Meadow Small World Play Mat

Have some odd felt scraps left from previous projects? Turn them into an enchanting woodland felt play mat! No sewing skills required. But in no time the meadow turned into Fairyland, country town, forest and even the children’s favorite park.

Woodland Meadow DIY No-Sew Felt Play Mat: Use this mat with different natural elements to create an enchanting Waldorf-inspired fairy world in your playroom!

Internet Links For More Small World Play Mats

Car & Train track
Countryside Play Mat
Woodland Meadow
Travel Play Mat
Sewn Travel Mat
Simple Face and Home Travel Mat
Pre-made Travel and At Home Felt Sets-For SaleEncouraging Imaginative Play on Felt Playmats
DIY Woodland or Fairytale PlaymatAnimal Play Mat
Easy Dinosaur or  Jungle play mat

Build Your Own Castle Playmat

No Sew Portables Dino Playmat


Ponds and Frogs Small World

Giant Frog Pond World for Pretend Play from Fun at Home with Kids

Link to Small World Supplies

Designing Small Worlds in Bins

A sensory bin is one way to create a small themed world where little ones can explore and experience new textures and shapes while engaging in imaginative play. The supplies for these sensory bins are often things you already have on hand – the main idea is to have a mix of materials.

I love how educational these can be while children are stretching their imagination and creativity- the penguin


Explore and Investigate

Let children explore the world around them, ensure they are able to look at and talk about objects, materials, living creatures and plant life, noticing details, similarities and differences. Our outdoor resources, such as bug hotels, will support children’s findings and investigations.

Hands-On STEM Activities for Learning

Develop a Love for S.T.E.A.M. with Your Kids

Looking for easy science experiments for kids? Or maybe you want an open-ended STEM challenge for your kids to explore? What about an art project that allows kids to explore textures and materials?

STEM or STEAM, whichever one you want to use, is so essential in our world today! The process of developing an idea, trying it out, experimenting to see what works the best… Easy science experiments inspire kids to learn how the world works! These are our best hands-on STEM activities for learning!

The best hands-on STEM activities for learning!

Discover your inner-creator with these engaging STEAM explorations.

STEAM activities encompass science, technology, engineering, and math, with some process art thrown in, but not in a boring worksheet. Rather STEM learning allows kids to explore, to think, and to create.

These activities help kids develop deep thinking and problem solving skills.

And the best part for the kids?

These STEM Activities are FUN!

Learn more

Free STEM printables for preschool:

Have fun counting objects of all sizes with this Quantity STEM Investigation and free printable.

Explore pumpkins this fall with these Pumpkin STEM Printables.

Kids love magnets! Set them free to independently explore what is magnetic with this easy Magnet Investigation.

Quantity STEM investigation printable and activity

Quantity STEM Investigation and Printable

STEM magnet experiment for kids

Preschool Magnet Activity and STEM Investigation Printable

pumpkin investigation printable STEM activity for kids

Pumpkin STEM Activity for Preschoolers with Free Printables

So what exactly is STEM Education?

STEM is the cross-curricular approach to science, technology, engineering and math. Rather than giving kids a series of math facts worksheets, STEM projects work on these subjects all at once.

Free Printable STEM Challenge Cards:

STEM challenge cards encourage kids to use their creativity to accomplish a given challenge. These  are simple enough for preschoolers (“build a boat”) and others are challenging for older kids (“build a rectangle with a perimeter of 12”).

With many ways to accomplish each STEM challenge, these free printables will keep your kids engaged for a long time!

LEGO STEM Challenge Cards    |     Pattern Block STEM Challenge Cards    |    Building Block STEM Challenge Cards

LEGO STEM challenge cards for building

LEGO STEM Challenge Cards

pattern block challenge cards STEM activity

Pattern Block STEM Challenge Cards Free Printable

building block STEM challenge cards

Building Block STEM Challenge Cards

Chemical Reaction Science Experiments for Kids

Rainbow Soda and mentos Science Experiments for kindergarten

Rainbow Soda and Mentos Science Project for Kids

Fun Pop Rocks and Soda reaction Science Experiments

Soda and Pop Rocks Easy Science Experiments for Young Kids

Mentos and Soda Science Experiments for Kids

Soda and Mentos Easy Science Experiments for Kids

fizzing ice baking soda and vinegar science experiment for kids with ice featured image

Fizzing Ice Science Experiment

Snow Volcano Winter Science Activities For Preschoolers featured

Snow Volcano Winter Science Activities for Preschoolers

STEM volcano baking soda and vinegar reaction

Snow Volcano Science Experiment

STEM chemical reactions baking soda reaction

Baking Soda and Vinegar Science Experiment for Preschoolers

Frozen Fizzy Easter Eggs Science Experiments for preschoolers

Baking Soda and Vinegar Easter Eggs Science Experiments

Fizzy heart experiment

Fizzy Hearts Baking Soda and Vinegar Experiment for Kids

Apple Volcano Science Experiments for kids

Apple Volcano Preschool Science Experiment

play dough volcano science experiment baking soda reaction

Easy Baking Soda and Vinegar Volcano for Kids

glitter vinegar and baking soda reaction for science experiments with kids

Awesome Glitter Science Experiment for Kids

Combining play dough and science is so much fun with this Play Dough volcano!

You’ll find everything that you need for Kitchen Science activity in your pantry.

Easy STEM Investigations for Kids:

These STEM projects prove that you don’t need to have a lot of hard-to-find and expensive supplies to learn!

Explore how flowers grow with this Spring Flower STEM Investigation.

Compare healthy lungs to lungs with asthma with this fun Lungs STEM InvestigationAlso great when you are studying body systems.

This Density STEM Investigation is long-lived classic! Make a twist on it by letting your students choose the liquids to explore.

Spring Flower STEM Investigation for Preschoolers

lungs and asthma stem science investigation for kids

STEM Respiratory System Investigation Asthma versus Healthy

density science experiment stem for kids

Child-Led STEAM Density Investigation

Discover how ocean currents are formed with this simple Ocean Currents investigation. 

What child wouldn’t love a hovercraft? Build a working STEM Paper Plate Hovercraft with this simple STEM learning activity. Paired with one of our favorite books, engineering for kids becomes fun and easy!

ocean currents science experiment STEM investigation

Ocean Currents Science Experiment

hovercraft create your own engineering for kids

Rosie Revere Engineer STEM Activity: Paper Plate Hovercraft

Grab some craft sticks or even newspaper to give these STEM Building Challenges a try!

Explore density and rainbows with a candy rainbow science experiment.

Learn about color mixing with this easy Walking Water Rainbow science experiment for kids.

STEM building challenges for kids

Skittles Rainbow Science Experiments
Skittles Rainbow Colors Science Experiments for Kids
Walking Water Rainbow Science Experiments
Walking Water Rainbow Science Experiment for Kids

More Easy Science Experiments for Kids:

How does frost form? Learn about it with this easy Frost in a Can winter science project .

Be the cool kid with this crazy fun Glow in the Dark Lava Lamp Science Experiment !

A fun twist on the traditional lava lamp project, this DIY Christmas Lava Lamp  is so much fun in red and green!

Do you remember this fun tin can phone experiment from your childhood? Give it a try with your students today!

All you need is milk, food coloring and a shallow dish for this Magic Milk Science Experiment.

Here’s another fun milk experiment! Use glitter fun a fun twist on this classic activity.

Kids love this exciting balloon experiment! See if you can push a skewer through a balloon without popping the balloon.

Can you break a pencil in half just by putting it in a glass of water? Try it with this Magic Breaking Pencil science experiment.

Need a simple preschool STEM experiment? Try this easy sink or float experiment.

Learn about color mixing with this simple colored ice science activity.

If you haven’t been introduced to the slime obsession yet, you have to try this Galaxy Slime recipe. Perfect for a solar system unit!

Create a cloud in a jar with just a few simple materials from your kitchen.

This tornado in a jar science experiment is a great way to learn about weather.

Inspire a future botanist by germinating seeds in a bag.

Process Art for Kids:

Exploring STEM concepts through art is a great way for kids to learn without even realizing it!

From drawing their own optical illusions to making scientific drawings to painting with gloop (ooblek), kids love creating art masterpieces while also learning how different art mediums work.

The texture of gloop makes for an art experience like no other!

primary colors bouncy ball painting process art for kids
Color Mixing Preschool Bouncy Ball Process Art
patriotic bouncy ball painting process art for kids
4th of July Bouncy Ball Process Art for Preschoolers
outer space galaxy themed bouncy ball art
Space Themed Bouncy Ball Process Art Activities for Preschoolers
rainbow bouncy ball painting process art for kids
Rainbow Bouncy Ball Process Art for Preschool
summer lemon painting prints featured image
Lemon Painting with Preschoolers
DIY Orange Painting Activity
Orange Prints Painting with Preschoolers
gloop fall process art painting activity
Art and Science: Painting with Gloop
glitter mono printing for kids process art activity
Glitter Printing Process Art
This color-changing lemonade is not only a refreshing beverage but also a captivating science experiment that will leave your taste buds and your mind amazed. #kidsactivities #kidactiv ities #STEM #handsonlearning #kidminds #earlylearning #color #lemonade #laughingkidslearn #funscience
These outdoor science activities will blow your kid's mind. From turning a campfire green with Borax to exploring the world of molecules with a bag of pencils, these activities will help your kids explore, learn, and grow. #kidsactivities #scienceactivities #STEM #getoutside #earlylearning #kidminds #sciencelearning #outside
Are you looking for fun and educational activities to do with your kids during Shark Week? From DIY shark slime to Shark-themed Memory Games, we have lots of suggestions for you that are perfect for kids of all ages! #kidsactivities #sharkweek #sharks #science4kids #earlylearning #kidminds #laughingkidslearn #creativelearningideas #homeschooling #familyfun
This beautiful Shark Names memory game is simply addicting. It makes a perfect quick, and easy activity for any shark enthusiast on any day of the year. #kidsactivities #printable #shark #sharkweek #sharkscience #handsonlearning #memorygame #earlylearning #laughingkidslearn #kidminds
We are using sand, shaving cream, and sparkly glue to create amazing shark slime. Not only is shark slime a fun activity, but it's also a great way to teach your kids some science concepts. Scrolls down to download all the wonderful shark printables! #kidsactivities #kidminds #earlylearning #STEAM #science4kids #laughingkidslearn #kidsactivity #sharkweek #sharks #sharkscience
Fun, hands-on science aFun, hands-on science activity to simulate the action of tectonic plates and learn more about earthquakes, mountains, and volcanoes. #handsonlearning #STEM #scienceforkids #laughingkidslearn #earlylearning #scienceeducation #earthquakesctivity to simulate the action of tectonic plates and learn more about earthquakes, mountains, and volcanoes.
Explore balance and gravity with two clever science experiments that use everyday household items. They will show kids that science can be almost like magic! #handsonlearning #kidsactivities #DrSeussactivities #laughingkidslearn #kidminds #earlylearning #education #homeschooling #funlearningforkids #creativelearning #gravity #centerofgravity #learningwell
his project is sure to get your kids excited about sound engineering. With just a few household items, they can make an amplifier for a smartphone that really works. #kidsactivities #STEAM #science4kids #kidminds
Ready in just five minutes, this fizzy sidewalk paint recipe is a super fun way to spend time outside and learn some science. #kidsactivities #summer #kidminds #learningideas #STEAM
Is there anyone who doesn't like this classic science activity? DIY Lava Lamp is easy to make and fun to study. Detailed instructions, a simple scientific explanation, and science printables are included #STEM #kidsactivities #handsonlearning #earlylearning #scienceeducation #laughinkidslearn
ScienceSimple Science -HOW TO MAKE A LAVA LAMP
Learn how to make a paper fan that can be used to test which objects will blow around in the wind. #kidsactivities #scienceprintables #STEAM #laughingkidslearn #kidsactivity #earlylearning #kidminds #handsonlearning
Discover 5 fun and engaging activity challenges that will keep your kids entertained and challenged this summer. These challenges will not only provide a sense of accomplishment but also help your child develop new skills. #handsonlearning #summer #printables #forkids #kidminds #kidsactivities #kidactivity #kidchallenges
Find out how many pennies it takes to break spaghetti and learn about the science behind why spaghetti breaks in the first place.  #kidsactivities #kidminds #handsonactivities #STEM #scienceforkids #spaghetti #forkids #elementaryeducation #funwithscience
Seven tried and tested ways to tempt your kids out of the house and fuel their zest for the outdoors. #getkidsoutside #kidsactivities #kidminds #laughingkidslearn #outside #summer #forkids #formoms #naturebasedlearning #outdoors
NatureOutside ActivitiesPlay & LearnScienceSummer -7 PROVEN WAYS TO GET YOUR KIDS OUTSIDE EFFORTLESSLY
With this simple-to-put-together bird science activity, your kids can have a blast learning more about the birds in their own backyard! The activity uses inexpensive supplies from your kitchen, and its fun, educational, and great for kids of all ages. #handsonlearning #kidminds #earlyeducation #earlylearning #laughingkidslearn #kidsactivities #kidactivity #birdscience #STEAM #scienceprintables
Outside ActivitiesScienceSimple ScienceSummer -EXCITING BIRD SCIENCE: THE BEST SNACKS FOR BIRDS
This tissue box catapult is a snap to make, and it’s so addicting! No one (even parents) can resist playing with it for hours! Detailed instructions, a simple scientific explanation, and science printables are included below. #kidsactivities #handsonscience #laughingkidslearn #kidminds #catapult #STEM #handsonactivities #earlyeducation #earlysciencelearning
The Mobius strip is one of my favorite science-y math activities. It’s inexpensive to make, packed with educational value, and super exciting for kids (and me!). #kidsactivities #mobiusstrip #handsonlearning #funwithmath
ScienceSimple Science
Painted tree stick is a process art and creative experimentation. It's colorful, easy, and fun for kids of all ages and their parents to do together.  #elementaryart #artprojects #artprojectsforkids #kidscreate #kidart #handsonlearning #funathomewithkids #kidminds #summeractivities #processart #natureinspired
Your kids will never turn down an invitation to do baking soda and vinegar activities. #kidsactivities #STEAM #learningfun #creativelearningideas #kidminds #laughingkidslearn
This easy and fun rainbow science activity is so pretty! Every time we do it, kids ooh and ahh in appreciation. Printables Included! #kidsactivities #handsonlearning #criticalthinking #kidminds #STEM #earlyeducation #laughingkidslearn #rainbow #homeschooling
ScienceSimple Science
a fool-proof guide to melting old and broken crayons down and turning them into super cool LEGO. #kidsactivities #learning #kidminds #handsonlearning #learningisfun #funscience #crayons #laughingkidslearn #homeschooling #familyfun #LEGO
This Mother's Day activity bundle has puzzles, code breakers, Sudoku, activity challenges, I Spy, fun facts, spatial thinking crafts, and games. #kidsactivities #printables #kidminds #mothersday #mommy #formoms #earlylearning #funlearning #creativelearning
Delightful Star Wars Science experiment. Introduce kids to the concepts of potential and kinetic energy with the help of Yoda, rump, and a Star Wars LEGO wheel droid. #creativelearning #STARWARS #kidsactivities #handsonlearning #kidminds #scienceforkids #LEGO
LEGOScienceStar Wars
How to use boric acid powder to grow crystal geodes inside duck or chicken eggs. #kidsactivities #science #handsonlearning #laughingkidslearn #kidminds #homeschooling
Can you build an Ewok catapult from sticks and stones with your little Star Wars fan? You bet! #kidsactivities #backyardscience #STEAM #handsonlearning #summer #kidminds #laughingkidslearn
Test your #engineering skills with the LEGO catapult. Make it with the pieces you already have in your house. Includes #STEM #printables #kidsactivities #kidminds #handsonlearning #LEGO #catapult #STEAM #laughingkidslearn
This DIY kite is super easy to make from an ordinary plastic bag! Make it during National Kite Month or any other day of the year! #kidsactivities #fun4kids #handsonlearning #gravity #wind #kite #earlylearning #kidminds #laughingkidslearn #homeschooling #familyfun
Skittles science activity is bright and beautiful and a real hit with kids! Learn about dissolving, diffusion, and stratification with candy. Scroll down to the science section to download your FREE science printables. #kidsactivities #STEM #laughingkidslearn #kidminds #earlyeducation #funwithscience
This is a collection of our favorite Star Wars activities. There’s something for every little Jedi in the universe. #STARWARS #science #kidsactivities #kidminds #laughingkidslearn #LEGO #STEAM
#Birthday Cake Candle #Experiment = fun #science with fire! Use the #candles from the birthday #cake to impress your kids and teach #physics at the same time.
Father's Day Topiary combines the science of growing with hands-on exploration and the all-important practice of patience. #handsonlearning #kidsactivities #STEM
Whether you’re looking for an easy #science activity, a spring-themed #experiment, some kitchen science, a hands-on #egg exploration, or a kid-friendly introduction to #chemistry, this one is for you! #handsonlearning #kidsactivities #STEAM #calcium
Got kitchen sponges and seeds? Then you have to try growing a grass house with your kids. #kidsactivities #STEM #scienceforlittlekids #handsonlearning #laughingkidslearn #kidminds #grassscience
These colorful soap bars are a fun way to spend an hour with your children, learn some science, and mark the arrival of spring in your house. #STEAM #scienceforkids #handsonlearning #kidsactivities #laughingkidslearn #kidminds
A perfect science activity that comes together fast with just a few supplies and offers hours of entertainment. #kidsactivities #handsonlearning #kidinds #laughingkidslearn #kidsactivity #playandlearn #creativekids #invitationtoplay


St. Patrick’s Day Engineering Challenge will get kids thinking creatively, practicing their problem-solving skills, and will add a little magic to this often-overlooked holiday. Free Printable STEAM Challenge Cards offer a fun way to explore and experiment with Leprechaun traps, rainbows, pots of gold, and more. #kidsactivities #kidminds #StPatricksDay #creativekids #creativelearning #handsonlearning #engineeringchallenge #earlylearning #laughingkidslearn #STEAM #scienceforlittlekids #learningwell #engineeringactivitiesforkids
This classic catapult combines active learning with loads of fun, and it’s made with just 3 things: popsicle sticks, rubber bands, and a spoon. #kidsactivities #STEM #handsonlearning #kidminds #creativekids #science4kids #elementarygrades #activelearning
In this St. Patrick’s Day STEM activity, kids will build their own boat to transfer Leprechaun Gold across the bay. #STEM #handsonactivities #kidactivities #kidminds #laughingkidslearn #scienceforlittlekids #spring #stpatricksday #leprechaungold
Kids love to play! Making your own bouncy balls (from Borax) is the perfect way to combine play and learning. Plus, these balls are a blast for the whole family. #kidsactivities #laughingkidslearn #earlyeducation #handsonlearning #kidminds #creativekids #borax
There are so many ways to create with Borax! From dragon fire to bouncy balls and everything in between, here are 12 of our favorite ideas to get you started. #kidsactivities #laughingkidslearn #homeschooling #earlyeducation #borax #creativekids #kidminds #handsonlearning
The science of coloring Easter Eggs with beets. If you always reach for artificial colorants to color eggs with your kids, consider some more natural alternatives this year. #handsonlearning #greenliving #creativelearning #Easter #eastereggs #thescienceofcolor #scienceforlittlekids
This pupil dilation experiment is a hands-on way to discover how quickly our eyes adjust to a variety of light conditions. #kidsactivities #handsonlearning #science #STEM
These Fairy Tales #STEM challenges are fun any time, but they are especially good after reading fairy tales. #kidsactivities #STEM #science4kids #laughingkidslearn #kidminds #fairytales #sciencechallenge
Valentine’s Day Slime Monsters (or Valen-slimes) is a delightfully gooey excuse to talk about polymers, viscosity, and chemical reactions. Download science printables to go along with this activity. #kidsactivities #kidminds #braingym #laughingkidslearn #handsonlearning #STEAM #Valentinesday #boredombusters
What if you could make a cake in minutes and teach kids some science at the same time? Well, I have a secret for you... You totally can! #kidsactivities #STEM #laughingkidslearn #kidminds #earlyeducation #kidscancook #cake
Pirates are fun and exciting! My kids enjoyed exploring a wide range of science topics with a pirate-theme: boat engineering, celestial navigation, cartography, and more. If you are looking for some inspiration for Talk Like a Pirate Day or hosting a pirate-themed unit, check it out! #pirates #talklikeapirate #science #kids #kidsactivities
These crystal snowflakes are not only beautiful to look at, but they also offer a fantastic science lesson as well. This activity explores saturation, evaporation, solutions, how temperature affects chemistry, and how molecules can fit together in a repeated pattern (crystallization) . #kidscience #STEM #elementaryeducation #kidminds #handsonlearning #kidsactivities
Let's play with frozen marbles and find out what surface makes ice melt faster. It’s a great way to learn some science while having a lot of fun. #iceexperiments #kidminds #laughingkidslearn #handsonlearning #winterscience #ice #funlearning #scienceforlittlekids #kitchenscience #kidsactivities
The endothermic reaction between baking soda and shaving cream adds a truly magical touch to this classic winter boredom buster. The DIY snow is actually cool to the touch! Scroll down for science explanations + science printables. #STEM #kidsactivities #scienceactivities #bakingsodascience #elementaryeducation #laughingkidslearn #kidminds #boredombusters #winteractivities
Your budding chemists will be delighted to try these cookie experiments. You’ll be delighted, too: our recipe uses only the healthiest ingredients, so your kids can learn some science while getting a healthy snack. #sweetscience #scienceofchristmascookies #winteractivities #handsonlearning #winterscience #science #scienceforlittlekids #kitchenscience #laughingkidslearn #kidminds #cookieexperiments #bestactivities #kidsactivities #christmasfamilytime #funfamily #creativemommy
The Icy-Hot Christmas science experiment allows your kids to explore the concepts of hot and cold, water density, thermal energy, and even color mixing.  #kidsactivities #scienceforkids #elementaryeducation #kidminds #handsonlearning #christmasscience
ScienceSimple ScienceWinter
Play & LearnScienceSensorySimple ScienceWinter
This cranberry juice and baking soda invisible ink recipe is so fun to use for secret messages, cards, and gifts. It's also great for learning about acid + base chemical reactions. #kidsactivities #laughingkidslearn #handsonlearning #kidminds #forkids #STEM #scienceforkids #elementarykids
ScienceSimple ScienceWinter
Can you lift candy from a glass without using your hands? This experiment is a great introduction to chemistry and the science of ice! #STEM #scienceforkids #handsonlearning #kidsactivities #earlyeducation #kidminds #laughingkidslearn
Help kids understand how their minds work and how they can calm down at will with a mindfulness jar. #mindfulness #kidsactivities #laughingkidslearn #kidminds #forkids #sensory
Do this simple activity after reading Dr. Seuss’s Ten Apples Up On Top, and you’ll turn storytime into a STEM lesson. #kidsactivities #DrSeuss #STEM #kidminds #handsonlearning #spring #TenApplesUpOnTop
This acorn catapult is easy to make with things you already have handy - sticks, spoons, and hair ties. For an extra challenge, shoot at a target or download our Acorn Catapult Challenge printable. #STEM #science4kids #fall #kidsactivities #acorns
ScienceSimple Science

These cute pebble puppets are fun to make and cultivate wonderful make-believe play. Use them to help act out stories, sing songs, and bring along for portable car entertainment. #kidsactivities #kidminds #kids #earlylearning #homeschool #parenting #kidsfun #playandlearn #creativekids #invitationtoplay
Family FunFun and GamesSimple ScienceSummer- HOW TO MAKE PEBBLE PUPPETS WITH YOUR KIDS
All you need to make a raft are a few natural items you can find in your own backyard or local park. You'd never guess this is a great introduction to physics and can keep your kids occupied for hours. #kidsactivities #learningthroughplay #homeschooling #parenting #play #activitiesforkids #kidminds #sensoryplay #education #children #fun #playandlearn #creativekids
Play & LearnScienceSimple ScienceSummer-HOW TO MAKE A RAD RAFT FROM STICKS
Learn the science of butter making while getting a yummy snack ready. This butter science experiment is good enough to eat.  #kidsactivities #science4kids #kidsscience #stemeducation #stemkids #homeschool #learning
Are you looking for an easy way to explain the greenhouse effect to kids? #kidsactivities #science4kids #STEM
Bring chemistry to “life” with a simple flower science experiment #STEM #handsonlearning #kidsactivities #scienceforlittlekids #kidminds #elemenaryscience #spring #dandelions
This math activity with an index card is a mind-tickling science experiment that requires no-prep and will have your kids talking for days. #paperscience #STEM #kidsactivities #kidminds #mathactivities
play and learn with weather #kids #science #learningthroughplay #weather
Fun Earth Day activities to inspire your kids and show them how they can help save the planet. Try our low-prep Earth Day Water Challenge to transform their thinking about water.   #EarthDay #handsonlearning #creativelearning #KidMinds #EarthDayActivities #waterchallenge #earlylearning #homeschollife
Dandelions have a reputation of being merely pesky weeds, but they are actually quite fascinating, and we can’t wait to share those remarkable dandelion experiments and activities with you. #handsonlearning #kidsactivities #spring #dandelions
How to germinate seeds in one day #seeds #spring #science #handsonlearning
Straw #rockets for kids is a simple play idea that involves #science and #math
This indoor kid activity has an element of unpredictability, a giggle factor, and a lot of science. Science? Yep! Learn all about gravity, inertia, and how to make inertia work for you, while having a load of fun. #kidsactivities #funlearningforkids #formoms #indooractivities #handsonlearning #scienceforkids #laughingkidslearn #kidminds #learningwell #keepingkidshappy #ideasforfamily #boredombusters #gravity #inertia #cabinfever
Fun Ice Archeology experiment to see what kinds of things preserve well in ice and what happens to them when they are defrosted. #kidsactivities #STEM #winteractivities #icescience
Can you combine ice and fire in one experiment? You bet! It will look like the ice is on fire, but it won't melt. Just the activity you need to celebrate winter solstice on December 21st. #wintersolstice #STEM #kidsactivities
ScienceSimple ScienceWinter
This magic peppermint oobleck was made without cornstarch. It's my favorite type of science activity: low effort, huge reward. #kidsactivities #STEM #kidminds #science4kids
Acorns and play-dough engineering challenge is a super fun way to engage children in STEM learning. #kidsactivitives #fall #scienceforkids
The Physics of twisting is about Newton's third law of motion, Olympics, and gymnastics. #kidsactivities #kidscience #STEM #Olympics
DIY mud bricks are a fun way to get kids outside and playing while practicing engineering skills, problem-solving, and creative thinking. #STEM #kidsactivities #handsonlearning #kidminds #laughingkidslearn #outdoorplay
your ultimate guide to apple activities this #fall. Apple science, apple crafts, apple sensory play, #apple unity study, and more! 
How many pennies does it take to get an apple up the inclined plane? It's a fun science experiments you can do outside. #scienceforlittlekids #STEAM #kidminds #funscience #fall #apples
When peanuts are mashed together in a blender to make peanut butter, they form a unique substance called Non-Newtonian fluid. #kidsactivities #kitchenscience #nonNewtonianliquid #handonlearning #kidminds #STEAM
Simple chromatography experiments you can do with kids at home... with food coloring, candy sprinkles, essential oils, and two types of markers. #handsonlearning #chromatography #creativelearningideas
You won’t believe how many amazingly fun and educational kids’ activities you can set up using common household items! #funathomewithkids #earlylearning #handsonlearning #formoms #kitchenscience #STEAM #boredombusters

Fun and Games, Simple Science


Green pancakes without artificial colorings. The rich green color comes from fresh spinach. Perfect for St. Patrick's Day or any other day of the year! #kidscook #handsonlearning #cookingwithkids #healthykids #kidsactivities #greenpancakes
Shark science is fascinating. Not that long ago, scientists discovered that sharks have build-in barometers. They detect the drop in air pressure (and water pressure) and move to safety during violent weather. Today, we will make a homemade barometer and learn how sharks detect the approaching hurricane. #sharks #sharkscience #barometer #handsonlearning #learningallthetime #kids #formoms #boredombusters #funscience #homeschooling #learning #education #airpressure
Shark art and color science experiment. Experiment with acid and alkaline compounds to obtain natural colors from red cabbage and use them to paint a world under the ocean. Add a pop-up shark and treasure chest for an extra bit of creativity and to get in the mood for shark week. #sharkart #colorscience #kids #handsonlearning #homeschooling #earlyeducation #laughingkidslearn #kidminds #sharkweek #kidscraft #popupshark #sharks #crafts
DIY stars that glow in the dark are fun and easy to make. All you need is playdough, toothpicks, and glow-in-the-dark paints.   #stars #spacecraft #learningthroughplay
ArtCraftsSimple Science DIY GLOW-IN-THE-DARK STARS
Kids can practice STEM with simple materials that you already have in your house in the recycling bin. Get inspired by reading STEM books. Make it fun by turning it into a challenge.  #STEM #RosieRevere #tinkerkids


Art and CraftsScience 
Unique Mother's Day Gift ROBOT CAT #scienceforkids #robots #homeschooling #KBNmoms